
Ruan Group Headquarters, top floor.

Ruan Dong sat behind his desk, his face filled with excitement as he listened to the phone call.

Through the receiver came the sound of a motorcycle engine turning off. The man skillfully got off the motorcycle, wiped away his fingerprints from the motorcycle, and proudly said, "Don't worry, Brother Ruan, everything is taken care of. That woman will definitely be hospitalized! This time, it's just a small lesson for her. After she's discharged, I'll continue to cause trouble for her!"

Ruan Dong smiled satisfactorily. "I knew there wouldn't be any problem if I left it to you."

"Of course, I've said it before, I'm willing to do anything for Sister Li, so naturally I'll do my best to finish this task!"

The man's tone, relaxed until now, suddenly turned tense. "So when are we going to make Mei Shu pay with her life!"