A Small Punishment

When Lu Si received the news and rushed to the hospital, it was already eight in the evening.

Mei Feng followed him upstairs in a hurry. They asked the nurse for Mei Shu's ward and rushed over, both sweating profusely.

As they entered the room, they saw Mei Shu lying on the bed with her left leg suspended.

"Sis! Who hit you? Have they caught the culprit?" Mei Feng anxiously rushed to her side, looking at her already casted left leg with concern.

Mei Shu shook her head. "The police are investigating. Look at both of you, sweating so much. You'll catch a cold if you don't cool down. Wipe off your sweat first."

She pulled out a tissue from the bedside table and handed it to Mei Feng. Mei Feng took it and wiped off the sweat haphazardly, panting, "Damn it, who's so blind to drive like that?"

Mei Shu said, "Alright, this is the hospital. Don't make a scene. Be careful not to get complained about."