Blend in or Die.
The system that had been asleep for a long time had woken up. And like any other system, it offered a choice. 'Death' was the answer that the seer chose. In the face of a seemingly unstoppable adversary, he chose death.
Just as soon as the decision was made, a prompt once again appeared before the elder spider. The same blue screen that had previously saved its life. He understood not what it was or why it was. All he knew was that the blue window wanted the man in black dead.
Congratulations on acquiring the strongest system.
#mission 1
Kill the man in black!
Reward: +1 cultivation realm
Penalty: Death.
And so the elder spider read. And so the elder spider acted.
"HAHAAHAA. I AM unstoppable now." There was a surge of power, a surge of immense ki that said "I am two levels above than I was previously." This power was a result of an enhancement pill that the system gave to that thing. Do you know those classic cliches where the losing villain pumps drugs.
The fight began.
"Speak your death wish," Cao Tang reiterated as he punched the beast in his face.
Blood was spilling all over, green and red. The beast did its best to fend off both attackers but to no result. The fight was a stalemate. But as it continued, the balance began to crack. The tired fighters started making errors.
"Wind Blade Impact."
There were multiple barely visible thrusts. And boom! A shockwave emerged from the point of contact between Cao Tang and his enemy's sword. Liu rushed in to capitalize on that stun. He ran and then swung his sword toward the enemy that was in mid-air.
"Phoenix Slash."
And a crescent wave of fire created by the sword propelled itself in the direction of the beast. But a second too late.
"Your flames are weak," the beast roared in rage.
Another burst of ki and both were again pushed back to the starting line with much damage taken. Another round and then another. Failed attempts were a constant. But that was the goal. To restrain the enemy.
And in that goal, they succeeded. For within those constant clashes, there was no man in black, the main target of the beast's mission, who was nowhere to be seen.
"Do it now, Neon," Liu shouted, not knowing where he might be, doubting whether he was still present or not. Liu stuck his sword onto the beast's arm. As he took the full brunt of the acidic ki and blood. But he held him down.
While one arm was occupied, the movements were being restrained by a seal that Cao set up.
A shadowy figure rushed in.
"There you are. Die!" And came a barrage of ki blades from the enemy's hands.
The seer's powers are not limited to just the prediction of events. His powers of prediction stretch far beyond.
As he dodged those ki blades and closed the distance, he jumped holding up something. A tool none in the Murim would recognize.
The seer was a subject of curiosity throughout the Murim.
Many people sought his guidance and wished to learn his ways, wished to become his people. All that wished for harm were left with their cultivation base crippled or dead outright.
How might a mere mortal scale up to the power of these martial artists? How might he fight and scale against people that can annihilate towns in one swoop? The answer is he cannot.
But what people forget is that there are stages to cultivation. And there is a weapon that can kill any cultivator so long as he is below the Void Soul stage. The ultimate weapon that can kill 70% of all the cultivators in Murim.
He sprayed his semi-automatic, and the beast was no more. The shield of ki that the beast had made to protect himself from any and all attacks served him no purpose.
"The system should have known. It's beneath the seer to actually choose an option."
"Did you really think I would pick an option you gave me? When have I ever adhered to your bullshit? Obviously, I went for the 3rd option. Now go back to sleep. No one wants you anymore, again." The seer treated the system as the stupid piece of shit he thought it was.
And the blue screen vanished yet again.
Neon's companions were too tired to question him and his absurd power. As the seer stripped the newly slain beast of its clothes, Liu and Tang slumbered into a much-deserved sleep.
"Look, guys. Disgusting and smelly little balls that are made up of very questionable and disgusting material that will help you in your cultivation," the seer said in his no-bullshit voice as the two who slumbered woke up.
He was now wearing what the beast had been wearing, except he had dyed it black to meet his personal color preferences.
"Damn, I dig my new look. Behold my divine sexy." The seer was back to being a full-of-himself narcissistic and asexual piece of shit.
However, Liu would not be satisfied until he was reunited with his newfound love, although he was still happier than previously.
"Yes, breakthrough. Finally!" said Cao Tang, radiating deep green ki.
"Ugh. Goddamn, it, you actually ate those disgusting goat feces," Neon said with a disgusted expression. All the seer got out of him was a stupid expression as he chucked more of it into his mouth.
"Oh, this is written in the language of the ancients," Liu commented on one of Neon's finds.
"You can read that stuff?" Neon asked.
"Oh, yes, I can. It says... It seems to be a record of a conversation between two people. It goes on like... Names aren't visible, but the conversation goes like..."
Person a-Junior cant respect senior. Have you verbal diarrhea.
person b- today we will let you down.
person a-wack. so people rushing to die. I will summon different time space persons to my slave.
person c-senior weak! Dogs don't walk.
person d-is it possible I was brought back.
person a-come my slave wanting to eat swan meat. unnecessary kill my enemies and I shall give me to you.
|"Wha..what?" neon interrupted but then he let him continue|
person d-to your death you welcome yourself.
person b-sister senior is a beauty if you surrender we give you first.
person c-yes u welcomes yourself to her first.
person b-we knows strongest supreme.
"And then there seems to be a narration" Liu broke off just to continue once again.
very long back the gods make the Tianwu continent for experiments and to make humans. To oversee the human they put an overseer to oversee all.....
"I can't read any further," Liu said, with an expression like that of an old man trying to read a newspaper without his glasses.
"I would appreciate better translations. I feel like I'm losing brain cells listening to your nonsense," said the Seer, looking as if he might cry from the pain of trying to process the virus-like information he had heard.
"Give it back," Neon snapped as he snatched the manuscript from Liu's hands.
"Let's go rescue your wife and lay the beast's sister... I mean, kill... murder..." Neon's brain had been damaged, and it would take a while to recover. The trio continued on.