The Rest Of The Family

"Why is this path so long?" Cao Tang complained. "We have been walking this path for days. I'm almost out of supplies."

"I have more, don't worry," the seer assured the complaining ex-immortal.

Once again as they trod the path, suddenly it grew darker and darker still, and they knew what that meant. It meant more people to kill. A light then broke through the darkness, a rather small hole the size of one which can be found in birdhouses. The seer attempted to peek through it. However, as he leaned on the wall to do so, the wall moved and opened up like a door.

The insides were well-lit. It was a rather comfortable room with a bed and paintings and all. It was still a cave, but a very modernized one. A bit too modernized for Murim. It was a regular teenage girl's room.

In the middle of the room was a dining table. Not a real one, the dollhouse or kitchen set one, the kind where girls hold tea parties with their dolls, except this was also the time when the little girl gets her family to come play with them.

Cups full of blood were held by three, and the table had been decorated with well-dressed human meat out of which blood still flowed.

The mouth of the half-naked spider-faced man was covered in it and dripped still from his mouth. And then another female one that was attempting to wipe it all off. The entire family stared at the people who had barged into their family time, and the protagonists stared right back, both out of shock.

It was at this moment they knew they were horribly fucked.

There was, though, yet another pale-skinned one that was not in the line of sight, one that was wearing shorts and half-shirts, away on the other side as she lay on the bed. She quickly got up as the others stared at each other.

"Oh dear, we have guests," said the one who held the handkerchief. She slapped the man beside who I assume was her husband.

"This is why I tell you to conduct yourself. You worthless fool," she sounded so utterly sweet when she said that or yelled at her husband it was hard to tell.

The small girl then walked to them. "Welcome esteemed guests," she said. It was extremely 'kawaii'.

These guys were a happy family, and what looked to the trio like human blood and flesh was just monster meat and flesh. They were then invited to dinner, and the three were powerless to refuse. The family was extremely nice to them. They gave them clothes, warm water, wine, and meat.

The daddy of the family was one of the manliest men you could possibly find, a perfect idol that Neon did not know existed. He was muscular; he was sharp. To his disappointment, not too smart, though. This guy was born to be nothing but a man and a daddy.

The mother in the house was the exact opposite, a bit clumsy, also not very bright, and much of an idealistic trait similar to Liu's.

The trio sat around a proper dinner table. The cultivation base of these guys was too high to even consider fighting them. Not to mention, there was no hostility from them whatsoever.

Just the other side of the bedroom they were in was another room, a living room, a very modern architectural design that was yet to exist.

But that is where they sat as they were served soup. The trio was still very much shocked. And there was an ever-growing feeling in the seer's chest that they were about to be horribly fucked, but he could not quite put his finger on what and why.

"So, you must have met our sons on our way back. Hope they were not too rough on you. I see one of our elders even gave you one of his favorite dresses that he poured years into to make. You must have gotten along quite well, huh?" The manly man who sat opposite the three-spoke.

The seer now knew what the cause of concern was. This powerful and kind man's both sons were murdered.

"I know they aren't the best of personalities and often get extremely physical, but they always mean well," the head of the house continued.

Tears started rolling down Liu's cheeks. He had murdered innocents. Sure, they were being hostile, but we assumed the worst and killed them because they were beasts. And the more the trio thought about what had happened, the first one was not actually after our life. Wasn't Cao Tang alive? He was being kept alive. And the second one probably came to attack because we attacked first!

If these guys find out... "The seer thought to himself and decided not to respond to the macho man.

"Wants sauce?" The little girl held up a plate of saucer next to the seer. It was very 'kawaii'.

The seer took her up on her offer. To his surprise, the 'sauce' was tomato ketchup. The seer looked up to find intense sweating on Cao Tang. He also noticed intense sweating from Liu's eyes as he realized his deeds. The only person still in a sane mindset was the seer.

"Look, you were here." It was once again the little girl who this time was holding up a crayon drawing of the three of them.

And the final member of the party has lost his very composed, calm, and collected shit.

[glims into seer's head]

"cute" "cute" "cute" "cute" "cute" "cute" "cute" "cute" "cute""cute""cute""cute" "cute" "cute" "cute""cute" "cute""cute" "cute" "cute" "cute" "cute" "cute" "cute" "cute" "cute"

"cute chubby cheeks" "cute chubby cheeks" "cute chubby cheeks" "cute chubby cheeks" "cute chubby cheeks"

"cute chubby cheeks" "Cute chubby cheeks" "Cute chubby cheeks" "Grab them I must" "No maybe I will cut those off and preserve them in a jar"


The seer had a secret. The cold, calm 'don't give a crap' attitude had loopholes, and one of them was 'Cute chubby cheeks.' The seer took the drawing from the little girl, grabbed her, and seated her on his lap. He then started stretching her cheeks.

"It's a good drawing. Here, have a candy," the seer said, handing her a piece of candy.

"What is candy?" the little girl asked.

"It's something you eat. It's tasty," the seer replied.

"I like candy very much," she said as she put the candy in her mouth.

"AAAAWWWWW, sooooo sweeeet," the mother said while taking photos of them.

"NAAAAANI? They have a camera. A goddamn DSLR! You know how expensive those are. Hell with expense. How? Why?"The seer's mind was broken.