Money For Muck


Another snap of fingers.

Lin Chen entered as Ms. Hao left.

"Next up, we have this magnificent sword!"

"Crafted by none other than Master Pang Jin himself."

"The 100 Stars Red Demon Sword."

Another bid began. Another ended.

Then there was a third and a fourth.

The seer could not be happier with the wealth he was accumulating by selling all the useless junk he had been hoarding for so long. While it was no junk to the seer, at least it was to others. To him, it was junk eating up space in his spatial ring.

"Quite the establishment you have created here," a hooded figure took a seat next to the seer.

The seer was too happy to be bothered and ignored him.

"Next up, we have a special treat for you guys, The Phoenix Flare Lightning Daggers. And in a set of 9 at that!"






"I see you guys didn't like our last item so much, but do I have a treat for you," Ai Zu said as he pulled the cloth off another sword.

"You guys might not believe me, but this decent-looking sword right here was pulled out of the hands of none other than the Heavenly Paranoia Demon," he continued.

Once again, complete silence.

"5 million," the hooded figure immediately bid.

"T-ten," a voice rose in response.


And another war broke out.

"Dare fight against me? Do you know who I am?"

"I am Zenji from the Wanhu Province, and I don't care who you are."


"Courting death."

"Who the hell was that?"

Finally, people were running dry of their budget and had started to resort to using influence and threats. The seer could care less, but it only added to his amusement.

"90," the hooded figure went again.

But there was competition.






People were beginning to get exhausted.

"160," the hooded figure shouted, and people glared at him.

He had offended many major powers who had gathered there, but there was nothing they could do but bid more. In the end, the hooded figure did not win, but he was not too sad about it, for he, like everyone there, was keeping tabs on who had bought what, and they were going to pounce on their opportunity to get the items they wanted outside the mall.

The bidding went on.

"Man, you should serve some cold drinks in here; it will be good for business," the hooded figure suggested.

"You get thirsty shouting," he said, lowering his hood.

He revealed a cyanic head with eyes deeper than the skies. He had a rather crafty smile on his face, something the seer does not like seeing on any other face except for his own.

"I have been having a good day, so I was ignoring you, but please know I have no intention of getting in your way so long as you respect mine," the seer warned.

"I was looking for a friend in this city when I saw a mall here and thought that I would stop for some ice cream, too bad," the guy continued speaking, ignoring the warnings Neon gave off.

Neon, who was sitting, leaned towards Cao Tang, now leaning towards the mystery man.

It was not the first time the seer had met an earthling. And trust him you don't want anything to do with them. What you want is as far from them as possible.

There are two types of traversers here in Murim. The Glorious kind and the oblivious kind. Eight out of ten are the glorious types. And it's them you mainly want to avoid.

It was just in the odds for the seer to be cautious of this one and certainly, he was correct. Only bad comes associating yourselves with a glorious.

"What are you trying to do here, brother? If you think we can be friends just because we are from the same or similar world, then I have to say you are mistaken," the seer went on with a very threatening tone emitting slight bloodlust.

"But the heavens' chosen did not come here with no plans.

There was a very familiar blur of force guiding him, telling him to kill the man next to him.

The system naturally went all out to make sure the man kills the seer.

"I don't know what the blue screen told you, and I don't care. Stay away from me, and I will do the same," the seer continued.

And with that, the seer got up and left the hall, and the man in grey followed, and Cao Tang silently right after.

Just as soon as the seer walked a bit further away from the entrance, the figure came running and charged him with a knife from behind.

The seer, however, sensed it coming and moved out of the way.

The heavens' chosen missed, stumbled, and recovered.

The two were now in a standoff, with the seer extremely annoyed.

"Man, I was really being polite and patient, but you had to be an ass," the man shouted in anger.

"Don't bullshit me. You came with the intention to kill," Neon said with a face full of disgust and annoyance.

"Kyaaaaa," screamed a girl, drawing the attention of both men who were fighting.

Just behind the seer, Cao Tang stood, holding down a woman by her arms, and one of his legs pressed against hers towards the ground.

A stream of blood flowed from her head down to her chin, and there she lay kneeling with little resistance.

"I am sorry," she said. It was obvious to whom.

"You bastards!" the man rushed in for an attack.

And a guard knocked him to the ground.

"You better have the money for the floor," the seer said, looking down at him.

"AAAh!" he attacked the guard.

"7 Goliah stride."

"Heaven palm."

Sadly, the guard was no match for him. The guard was above and beyond. He took all the hits without budging.

"You see, this is a no-nonsense place, and I don't really tolerate you desecrating its holiness," the seer went on, with his rage growing ever more.

The poor aggressor could feel on his skin as if he was up against an opponent he was no match for. He felt an odd slithering sensation around his body as if he was completely wrapped by a snake.

The seer began approaching the guy. And the guy saw an opportunity.

"That ki-less bastard thinks he can approach me. I just need to kill him suddenly when he gets close," was what the man was thinking.