The Heavens Chosen


"Nothing does it better than an ego-crushing slap," said the seer.

"How dare you, you ki-less bastard."He got up and attempted to retaliate.

"STAY THE FUCK DOWN!" yelled the seer.

He placed a foot on his cheek and forced him down.

"How?" the man thought to himself.

"No, stop, leave him be," the girl tried to break free.

"Whoa there, lady. You ain't going anywhere," Cao Tang reiterated, still having a grasp of hers.

The lady glared at him.

"Now I don't like that look," Cao Tang said as he applied more pressure on her calves that were beneath his feet.

"Eyyyyyah," came a scream.

"Noooo," the chosen was now mad. And that made the seer madder.

The seer bent down, grabbed his head by his hair, and slammed it into the edge of the small crater that was created.

"You come here to ruin my day just because some blue screen tells you to without questioning it, and then you do some cringey shit like this. Why even bring her here if you care so much, huh?


*Wham, wham, wham*

"HUH?" the seer went.

"Kyag," cried Cao Tang in agony. "What the fuck?" he said in a confused tone.

"The lady had escaped and was now aiming for the seer.

The veins could be seen rising and popping on the seer's neck as he grabbed the woman by her throat.

However, sadly, it gave her boyfriend a chance to retreat a few steps.

The guard just stood there and did nothing. The seer wanted to handle this alone, and the guard knew it.

"She's harmless. Let her go," the guy shouted.

But the seer continued to choke her.

"Just run. I am the Murim Alliance head's daughter. He can't do anything to me," the lady spoke as she was being choked.

"Well, you think wrong," the seer interjected as the man was about to run off.

"Goddammit, guess I'll have to go after the Alliance head next, then, huh?" the seer said. And Cao Tang knew that he could, and would do it.

Cao Tang went to stop him, but it was too late. He knew how moody the seer could be and messing with him in the very wrong time will make one end up in the very wrong place.


And he dropped her like trash.

"Waaahaaaaaaaaaaaaah," the guy had lost his mind.

"Get him," ordered the seer, and the guard rushed.

"Gaaah," the guy lit up and exploded, damaging the guard and creating a smoke screen.

"I'll kill you," he said, putting a bunch of pills into his mouth.

"You're strong, I'll admit that," he said as he pulled a bunch of items from his inventory.

"Oh, wow, how entertaining. It was like a magical girl transformation," the seer laughed hysterically.

"Hey, tell me, have you seen a girl that has purplish hair recently?"

"You mean the really pretty one with a large hole in her guts?" the large evil grin was back. "Yes, yes, I have."

"Plum blossom Blood demon knives."

Waves of energy pulsed emitted from his body. His new set of armor was strong, and the new blade deadly sharp.


An assassin appeared in an instant and deflected all.

"Tch, another one," the cyanic-haired man said. "You sure have a lot of lackeys."

"Oh, should I send her away? I mean, I know how sensitive a topic it is, you know, after... you lost yours," Neon taunted as insensitively as possible.

The two threw down, but sadly the assassin was not much of a match for the over-geared prince.

"You are going to die here, member of Black Mamba," he said, pointing his sword toward the seer."I'll take down the entirety of your evil organization"

"Hahahaahahaah, that's what you think? Well, correction, little princess, I AM THE BLACK MAMBA," the seer replied with an eerie smile.

The armored aggressor now started vomiting blood.

"I would have used metalloids, but no problem, I suppose," said the seer.

"You think this puny amount can stop me?" And he charged in yet again and engaged the assassin.

As they fought, a fiery fist landed straight onto the assassin's face, burning up the hood and mask.

"Wait, L... Li Mei?" the guy recognized her.

"Oh, bugger," Neon commented.

"Futong Hei...," She was about to say something but did not.

The seer whistled while pointing at Hei's stomach where a dagger was stuck.

He pulled it out and both treated it as if it was nothing.

"I will rescue you from him, Li Mei. Don't worry, just stand back and leave this insane sick fuck to me," and he started emitting a golden aura as soon as he said that.

"Ooooh yes, of course, harem building. Oops, sorry, I did it again after, you know, I..." another taunt.

"Killing her wasn't enough for you, huh?" Hei jumped and struck down like lightning, but Li Mei once again blocked it.

"Let her go, you sick fuck," Futong Hei demanded.

"Oh, you think I am blackmailing or mind-controlling or something, but no," the seer responded.

"It's true, Hei," she said, readying her swords.

The seer came and slowly pushed his hands around her from the back.

"Mine now," he said with a twisted face.

"This is great. My day has been saved. Killing you would not have been enough. I need you to suffer to quell my anger, and I suppose I'm done," the seer said, now much calmer.

The rest of the guards who were on standby came in and surrounded him.

"This isn't over," said Hei.

"Oh, that's quite alright. The more you live, the more you suffer," the seer replied.

And the man ran off using some whatnot item.

"C'mon, men. I need this place cleaned up before people start coming out of the auction house, and also take the sound barrier down. People will start to get suspicious," Neon started shooting orders.

"She's alive," Cao Tang sighed in relief.

All the while, the perpetrator had managed to escape.

"Of course, she is alive. But she is dead because I say so," the seer said, having calmed down completely.