What's in the basement?

"Ah, now I get it. I thought you actually got yourself a girlfriend, but I suppose I was wrong. I mean, I kinda dig that 'stole your girl' vibes you were giving back at the mall," Cao Tang clarified.

"But I did," the seer affirmed.

"Yes, technically. Not really," Cao Tang replied, taking a sip of his tea.

"He is a narcissistic sick fuck. What do you expect?" Liu said, drunk.

"You are crazy, my friend, and you will die alone for that," Cao Tang joined in the group effort.

"Don't worry, sister," the drunk Liu attempted to talk to Li Mei, who was sitting right across, indulging in her meal. "If... you wanna get away from this guy, I will help you."

"Did I make it sound like a choice?" Cao Tang imitated the seer. "You will live, and you will like it."

And the entire table burst into laughter. Even Li Mei gave out a little chuckle.

"No guys, this is serious," spoke up the drunk Lin Hua. "You can't make people just live like that. hic"

There was a moment of silence, and then all burst into laughter once again, this time at Lin Hua, whose face had gotten red with embarrassment, which she tried to hide behind her arms.

"Wait, wait, wait, guys. While we are talking about bitches, there is this one I like, but she won't even look at me," said Lin Hua's brother, who was also drunk.

It was pretty late. The entire party sat drinking. Lin Hua and her brother were released because... of course they were. The only ones who didn't drink were Neon because he was Neon and Cao Tang because of his dao.

"You want advice, you ask that guy over there," Cao Tang said.

"Ask a guy who does not have a girlfriend and was recommended by a guy who does not even have experience," Zhihao made a cold remark and hit Cao Tang hard.

"Huhuhuhu, foolish senior brother," the seer countered. "Coaches don't play."




There was a bit of a trivial awkward staredown between the seer and the message window before the system decided to disappear again.

By the time Cao Tang and Liu were done praising the seer, Zhihao was already at the seer's feet.

"O' Heavenly saint of love," he muttered. "Please bestow upon this junior your knowledge and forgive this simple-minded fool who was so presumptuous as to call himself you're senior, for it is you who is senior."

Stroking the seer's ego often works. And when one does it so skillfully, such as Zhihao, even the seer can't resist the request.

"Bahhahhaah, go ahead, tell me about her," the seer said.

"Well... in that case, there are actually two," Zhihao said with a perverted face.

"I see what you want. Your motives are clear. I shall help you get both then," declared Neon.

Now, Neon was no love guru, but what he was, was a very manipulative, smooth-tongued, and resourceful sick fuck. And if he said he could do it, that meant he could indeed help Zhihao achieve his goal.

"Really, even if one of them is the daughter of the alliance head?" said Zhihao, expectantly.

"What?" the seer released those words from his mouth, stumped.

"Of course, he can't, dumbass. She died, didn't ya hear?" Liu informed.

"What?" Zhihao was the one who was stumped this time.

"Hey, wait, no, that can't be. How could we let her go, didn't we?" Cao Tang stood up.

"Ah, you bastard, so it was you who let her go. Why the fuck would you do that..." the seer yelled at Cao Tang.

"I don't know, maybe because she is the daughter of the fucking alliance head," Cao Tang shouted back.

"Precisely why you don't let her go. He would have come for our ass the moment she reached home."

"Wha, wai, wai, what... you, what? What? Oi thought you were gonna keep her alive!" Cao Tang yelled.

"She IS alive and well, locked up in my basement," the seer shouted back.

"What the fuck? You kidnapped the alliance head's daughter and put her in your basement?" Zhihao also started shouting.

"I can't believe you fuckers are actually debating and arguing over whether she should be killed or not. She is the fucking alliance head's daughter," Liu yelled, sobering up from sudden stress.

"Ahahha hic you guys are such mad bastards."

They were lucky it was very late at night and that the seer's room was rather soundproof and isolated.

"Wait, you put her in the basement... all alone?" Li Mei said with a face that had lost all color.

"Errhhh, not really. But am I missing something?"

"Where is the basement? We need to go there immediately," she said flabbergasted.

The seer did not understand what was happening, but he understood the urgency of the situation. All flocked to the basement, with Li Mei rushing ahead. The inn they were staying at had a basement that no one used, which the seer had borrowed.

All five rushed down the stairs and into the ground, while the seer held a lantern.

Soon enough, they opened a door, and wham! It was a square-shaped small space with only a single lantern in the middle of the room. There was just one chair under the lantern that hung from the ceiling, which one could touch if he jumped. Tied to the chair was the alliance head's daughter, fast asleep.

But that was not all. There were muffled noises and some banging on the wall all of a sudden. And from it burst out another person strapped to the chair.

"Brother, what the hell?" Liu shouted as soon as he recognized who this person was.

It was the seer's sister.

"This is where she was all this time!" Cao Tang yelled at him, holding him by his collar.

"Hahah, I never knew. No one knew," Lin Hua said, still drunk and fumbling around, having lost all sense of balance.

Lin Hua threw herself onto the seer. "My life has meaning. I will tell no one," she said, looking up at the seer.

Cao Tang pushed her off of him and grabbed him by his robes once again.

"Is this what you meant by 'errhh no really'? You have your fucking sister tied up here," Cao Tang continued yelling at Neon's face while Zhihao untied her and freed her.

"Shush, all. We talk about this in the morning," shouted Liu and then passed out on the floor. Lin Hua did the same.

Cao Tang pushed Neon off, taking Liu's advice and deciding to sort out the problem in the morning.