The stash

"So... I mean, erhh, women, right?" the seer said, his words trailing off as the four pairs of eyes bore into him.

And in response, a chorus of sarcastic, forced laughter erupted once again.


Their hands slammed down on the table, the resounding impact punctuating their frustration.

"It's not funny!" they all exclaimed simultaneously, With anger and disbelief, directed at the seer.

On the bed, the seer's sister could be seen intertwined with Lin Hua, their embrace shielding her face from view.

"Come on, guys, I had a valid and logical reason for my decision, even if I can't explain it to you," the seer pleaded in his defense, desperation creeping into his voice.

But his words fell on deaf ears. No one was convinced. He could weave his words skillfully, but it seemed futile amidst the disapproving gazes he was met with. The weight of their collective disappointment felt like a parent scolding their wayward child, administering moral discipline.

The seer, despite his biological bond with the woman on the bed, couldn't acknowledge her as his sister. He couldn't reveal his true origins of being an otherworlder, nor could he deny the truth of his biology, no matter how hard he tried.

"I have amnesia, guys. I remember nothing. All I know is that my family was brutally murdered one day, and I refuse to uncover the horrors of that day. It's better to keep those memories locked away..." The seer attempted a different approach, hoping for empathy.

Yet, his attempt held a fatal flaw. This facade of false tears might have worked on ordinary people, but Neon's friend knew the seer well enough, aware that he was devoid of emotions such as loss and remorse. Neon's tactics were in vain. The others continued to fix him with piercing glares of anger.

But such a standoff could only last for so long.

"Alright, what the fuck do you guys want from me? We're getting nowhere like this," the seer finally spoke, irritation seeping into his words.

Neon's new assassin friend interrupted the tense atmosphere with news of a discovery. "I found the stash near the spirit ore mine site on the south side."

"Well, what do you know? Looks like we are indeed going somewhere with this," the seer remarked, finding an excuse to evade responsibility and seizing it promptly.

However, Zhihao interjected, his voice heavy with disappointment as he sighed and rested his head in his palm.

"Wait, don't go just yet... That mine... "Zhihao stopped the seer with hesitation and a slightly disappointed tone.

"It belongs to someone from the alliance, doesn't it?"The seer said as if he already knew of it.

Silence lingered, a weighty pause filled with silent acknowledgment.

Zhihao's expression conveyed his deep disappointment, not only in himself but also in the entire alliance.

The rest of the group had become accustomed to such feelings.

"Who do you think owns the mine?" Liu asked, seeking clarification. "We know it's someone from the alliance, but who?"

The seer swiftly responded, "It's the Jaegals, I bet."

Surprised, Zhihao questioned the seer's knowledge. "Wait... how do you know that? Even I'm not privy to that information. Only the top brass is."

"Seer prediction," the seer replied promptly, donning his hat and retrieving his sword from the hanging drawers, signaling his readiness.

"What?" Zhihao's confusion deepened.

"Come on, guys, it's the Jaegals, it's always the Jaegals. They're behind it, as they've always been and always will be," the seer asserted confidently.

Before Zhihao could continue his inquiry, he was cut off once more, the seer interjecting, "They probably hired someone to do their dirty work, allowing them to claim it for themselves permanently, instead of sharing it with the alliance. And the only other factions vying for it are the An and Ai, who had a treasure stolen from them. And the treasure was found in the mines in the first place. Connect the dots... do you see it now?"

"Wait you can't just accuse people in such a way without any evidence!"Zhihao retorted.

"He can and he is very likely right"cao tang took the seer's side on this.

And the rest of the team agreed. Because he was the seer after all he did not have that title for nothing. And it was not like him to stake his title unless he was hundred percent confident.

"What the hell are you planning to do, then anyway? Provided that what you say is indeed the case. Challenge the entire alliance?" Liu exclaimed, a mix of disbelief and concern in his voice.

"Yes, that's exactly it. They're easy to handle. They won't even know what hit them," Neon chimed in, a glint of excitement in his eyes.

Zhihao, however, protested, realizing the implications of the seer's plans. "Wait, I can't let you go around slaughtering my men."

Defiantly, the seer responded, "Alright, fine, tell them to stand down then."

But it was a futile request. Zhihao couldn't make his men stop. No one could. The Jaegals held a firm grip on the alliance, their power unparalleled. Only a handful of other clans dared to challenge them, and the An and Ai were not among them; they were considerably weaker.

"Well, I don't need you guys to help me take them down. But if you do join me, it'll make my job easier. After all, violence solves all problems, doesn't it?" the seer remarked, a sly smile playing on his lips.

"No, it does not. Sometimes, it's when a mosquito lands on your balls that you realize violence isn't always the answer," Cao Tang quoted, injecting a dose of wisdom into the conversation.

"Ah, the wisdom of Confucius. If he says it, I'll follow. Let's go, squad, and make the Jaegal family realize that it was violence that rendered them powerless," the seer added, his tone laced with cunning.

Zhihao, however, comprehended the seer's intentions, He fully saw thru his brilliant plan aware of the risks and consequences they would face.