Yay Couple Fight.

"There, on that distant peak, lies the corpse of Daishin, the man of God, the strongest among the mortals with a potential stronger as an immortal," the old man pointed the immortal prince in the right direction.

"The dimensional scarring was caused because of the fight between the two, though I doubt you will be able to revive and recruit him, for after all, he is Daishin, who was once a man of God favored by God."

"No, he shall join my undead army. He will be my servant, and I must not fail. Once I conquer him, I will have conquered his Qi. And all the while, I must do it without corrupting his Qi. Only then can I surpass the rest of my brothers and succeed as the heir. Once I conquer that Ki, I will be one with no weaknesses. The only weapon effective against me would become futile," saying this, the young man jumped off the cliff.

He landed on the back of a wyvern.

"Let's go, Hakura. Our destiny awaits us there, atop that peak."