The Scientist Returns

The Seer and his gang were lucky that the immortals who followed them were weakling, useless, low-class pussies as they were. It would not have ended so easily otherwise.

The three once again stepped out of the room and waited for more people to arrive, all the while tending to their injuries and just staying alive until another batch of immortals fell for it, and they could then enter the room and beat them to a pulp again.

Another bunch showed up almost soon enough after losing transmission to the scout team. This was a full pack of 20, no way the Seer and his team were beating that many.

What's worse was they did not get sprayed...

"Why are they not getting sprayed? Why is nothing coming out of those crevices and pipes?" Liu said with a slight tone of panic in his voice.

||This place is old; of course, it ran out of juice or somethin'||

The Seer slapped his forehead.