Immortal Slayer An Liu

>They talk about a way to end your suffering... I call it bullshit. Just kill yourself. What kind of masochistic, sick fuck likes suffering? I would hate to think of myself as that kind of a soul. After all, it's mine, I decide how it is.<

||What if there is an afterlife? You're going straight down to hell into even more suffering.||

>Gosh, I hope not. I mean, it doesn't really matter, you know, heaven, hell, in fact, you won't be at peace. At least I won't be at peace either way. Eternal life seems just boring and meaningless to me. I'd rather be in hell, suffering with something happening, at least, than go to the described heaven where you just...<

"Ling Yue broke out of her unconsciousness while being carried by the seer.

She turned her head to look up at the seer but could not see his face as it was covered by his armor.

The seer stood her back up on her feet as they continued to tread down the familiar path.