
The guards looked up and down and stared, surveying Luan and the goods all bloodied and dirty.

"Rough trip?" asked the guard at the outpost, now focusing on documents and papers.

Luan did not reply.

"Alright, you guys should just take a week and rest in this town. There was some scuffle down the path, and it's being repaired. Some undead and ghouls or something. They probably fixed that issue though, so rest well."

"Dammit, more delays. We will take you up on the advice. Thank you," Luan replied. "You hear him, people? Let's lodge here for a week." He ordered, and all were allowed to pass through the gate.

The border town was small and minimalistic. The place, small as it might be, looked like it was thriving, mainly because of the many other travelers who passed by all the time, merchants, and the infamous night market that existed here.

||I suggest we stop by the night market, you know, just because we might find something useful.||