Yet Another Underground City

The sun dipped below the horizon, casting the town into the embrace of twilight. It was the appointed time Fangluan had mentioned, and Ling Yue, now feeling somewhat better, made her way to the Red and Black Dragon Emperor's statue. There, her uncle's friends were supposed to meet her.

Ling Yue's thoughts were interrupted by the arrival of Fangluan's companions. 

"Hello there you must be Fangluan's neice a pleasure to meet you"

"same here empress"

"and same here as well"

||Empress huh||

They were a lively group with diverse personalities, and it was clear they had been friends for a long time.

"Ah, there you are!" Fangluan exclaimed, joining the group and patting Ling Yue on the back. "I see you've met my old buddies. These folks know how to make any night memorable."

||Keep your expectations in check, Ling Yue. It's a vast town, and the Seer is renowned for his elusive nature.||