How To Identify Chosen 101

"Alright, students, an important lesson before we begin: we need to understand this one statement—Slavery is bad," the Seer wrote on the wall right in front of the slave trader and his many caged-up slaves, locked up in an alleyway. "Now, this statement is not as straightforward as it seems; this statement has different dimensions to it, dimensions which we will be looking at," the Seer continued to lecture his disciples. They felt a bit awkward but very drawn in due to the Seer's style of teaching and narration. The Seer wrote on the wall the slogan and below it, "Slavery," and stretched two lines out of it.

"Now, there are mainly two types of slavery or two dimensions that exist. Beware, these are only the two major ones; there exist many," the Seer wrote down two labels beneath each line, and as he did, even the caged-up slaves intently began listening in on what he was trying to teach his students.