How To Kill Chosen 101

"Ah, speak of the devil, my students, here comes a chosen!" exclaimed the seer in grandeur as a young, sexy, and slender male walked towards them, his stark blue hair having the depth of oceans and galactic eyes. He was dressed to match the color pattern, with glimmering gold accessories.

Two followed the young man, a fat guy, and a beautiful beast girl who drew the eyes of all the rest and made them burn with jealousy upon seeing a slave mark on her neck, followed by a shackle.

The slave trader looked at him and gasped. "Young master," he fell on his knees and kowtowed before the revering figure.

"I will take those two slaves at the far end," the man said, pointing at them.

"Yes, of course, sire. It will cost you ten thousand spirit stones," the slave trader replied, now wise to the young master's tactics.

"What? Ridiculous! Ten thousand for those two who look like they are about to die?"