Undead Kun Be Ecchi

"What was that? Why would you burst like that, out of nowhere too? Ugh, get some rest. You have been acting very weird lately. I won't dig too much, but take better care of yourself," said Fangluan as he bandaged Ling Yue's hand, tucked her into bed, and turned off the lights.

||The other me is with the Seer; he has some business in that town. He'll be staying there for a week or two before he warps back to Tianwu, it appears. It depends; actually, he leaves as soon as he is done conducting his 'business.'||

"Good night, Ling Yue," Fangluan said as he snuggled into bed after opening the window.

"Good night, Uncle."

>Good night, Zeon.<

||Well, I don't sleep, but yes, good night.||

A cool but calming breeze entered through the window, helping Ling Yue relax as she closed her eyes and fell asleep.



"Nyah, undead-kun, be ecchiiiiiiiii!"