Whoa There What's With The Plot Fattening

The trio began their descent down the hill, their steps light and calculated to avoid drawing attention from the undead horde below.

Luan Xing led the way, his movements swift yet deliberate, followed closely by Ling Yue and Chen Tianlong. The night enveloped them, and the eerie glow from the glass globe atop the Lich's throne cast a sinister ambiance.

Just as they descended the hill after grappling with some stragglers and getting into some unexpected fights with the undead they entered the dense forest at the hill's base. The trip up to this point was almost effortless. Very few of the undead could detect them, and they were taken care of quickly and silently by Luan, who had by this point established himself as the authority figure and the leader of the group through his sound directions and plans.