Undeserved 'Tree'tment

"Shit, shit, shit, shit... No fucking way, no fucking way do they know exactly where we are. Shit, shit, shit," Luan panicked, taking cover behind a boulder close to the large tree he was planning to climb.

>No way they know our exact location... we would all have been caught by now otherwise, but they knew I would be here at the tree. We have a real mastermind on our hands here. How the fuck else do you explain all these soul devourers, wraiths, and ethereal drifters circling that one goddamn tree, scanning it for any signs of life.<

Luan carefully observed the movements of the undead, realizing that they were meticulously scanning the area around the tree. His heart raced as he tried to formulate a plan. The undead seemed to be under the influence of some higher intelligence, and the precision of their search sent shivers down Luan's spine.