O'Seer Tell Us Our Future

"Brother, this is wonderful. You look like a beggar, but you write like a scholar. The writing, the flow, it's perfect. Please, allow me to have this excellent work of yours published. You must!" the seer said, faking humbleness and elegance. Internally, however, he could not stop laughing.

"Well, hah, I was planning to get it published. I was just waiting on your approval," replied the fanboy in his low and shy-esque tone.

"Here, take this card. I have friends here who will help you greatly with the process," the seer said, handing Fangluan a card that had a black mamba drawn on it and an address.

"Ehem, I will..."

"Still, my original question remains, do I know you?"

"Well, yes, actually. We traveled together for a while..."

"Ah, I remember you. What brings you to this place?"

"Oh, well, it's my niece who is getting engaged today, see..."