Poetry BATTLE!

"Is this how the Jaegals treat their guests... or is it just you guys?" the Seer spoke in a threatening and monotonous tone.

"Do you really wanna go there?" Gen Wen replied, his tone equally threatening.

"Oh yes, let's go there," the Seer replied, his voice increasingly menacing.

"You do not want to," Gen Wen retaliated all the same.

"I fucking do!"

"Hey guys, look! Master Gen Wen and the Seer are fighting!"

The crowd that the Seer so painstakingly got out of was there once again, surrounding the Seer. But that did not matter, not now or... perhaps it did, for what was supposed to be a fight fought with swords and fists had to take a much different route. After all, the Jaegals would not want to spoil such a bright and beautiful day.

"If you really want to do this, let's do it," Gen Wen challenged.

"It's your home turf, why don't you go first, pubescent mutt?" the Seer retorted.

"Ooooooooooooo," murmured the crowd.