
"Apologies for waking you up so early," the Seer greeted politely and in a very typical fashion, his robes a rushed mess.

"Your... eyes... Are you fine?" Ling Yue reached for the bandages immediately noticing them, but the Seer promptly moved away.

"Yes, they are fine, just a little accident a few minutes ago. It's temporary; I just need to keep them on for a few hours... Anyway, please walk with me."

"Do you need support? Should I..."

"I very much appreciate the offer, but I can see quite fine. Anyway, walk with me. As for why I've come to see you, it's regarding the chat we had the other day that you had with the head of Black Mamba..."

"Oh, right, I forgot. I should probably pretend like I don't know," Ling Yue thought to herself.

"Ah, I suspected as much. So, the Seer is working for High Master after all. Haha..."

"Hahaha, No, just this Favor, please don't tell anyone,"The Seer replied, expertly feigning blush and embarrassment.