

"Excellent timing," the Seer responded to Li Mei's knocking. "Come on in."

Li Mei entered to find the Seer playing dress-up.

"Excellent timing, my plus one. Now tell me, what should I wear? I had this brand new luxurious designer stuff made, all white silk and scales and gold and oxium to... you know, dress for the occasion. But then again, I could continue to wear what I always wear. I mean, we both know it's actually a funeral we are going to attend. But then again, I wish to really dress for that epic stuff. Why respect the dead, at least not those dead Jaegal asses? Would it not be better to wear white and gold to their funeral? Yes, I think this should be fitting but..."

"Wear whatever you want..."

"Yes, but here's the thing. I wanna dress up for peak perf--"

"White! Just wear white."

"Err, I guess intentions make all the difference. White one it is, I suppose... Didn't have to be mean about it."