The Worst Case

Azrael continued to rampage for three days and three nights.

During that time, he not only went around the entire empire, he even made sure to wipe out all traces of it. Not leaving even a single speck of the empire in the world.

I only knew it later, but I received a message from the empire asking us to stop Azrael... It's not something within our control, though. Rather, it was the prince's fault in the first place. Well, my reply didn't even reach their emperor on time, since the capital had already fallen before I read the letter.

Rather than the empire, we have a more pressing problem than that.

"As expected, they came..."

From the gate to the Otherside, a single god-level demon popped out. Of course, it was an obvious result, since the guard of the gate left its post for an extended period. 

Having no choice, Zeshion took it upon himself to clean up the god-level demons that started coming out.