The Angel's Request

I couldn't be mistaken, as there's no other angel-like being that big anywhere in the world. That's Azrael approaching us at a rapid pace!

"Everyone, stay on guard! We got a beyond-god-level angel incoming!"

As soon as I raised my voice, everyone turned to where I was looking and noticed it too.

"D*mn! Are we going to fight that thing?!"

Ajax immediately cursed, seeing the powerful being approaching us. After all, he wasn't present during the angel's first appearance.

"What the hell... such a powerful being really exists?"

He muttered in awe.

Azrael, as if seeing us from far away despite our small size, went in a straight line. He flew directly to where we were and slowly came to a stop.

[Human who released me from my seal, sorry about this, but can I ask something of you?]

When I heard him talk in a peaceful tone, I heaved a sigh of relief. At least, it doesn't seem like he's come here to perform a massacre.