Quartering the Lands

The discussion didn't last that long, since I was basically telling them what they already knew. The only problem left to discuss is how to split up the areas for each of them.

In the end, we went with Zeshion to the south, Vermeil to the west, Blanc to the north, and Ajax to the east.

The lands within their respective Sanctuaries were split up like a pie, sliced into quarters with two diagonals. With that, four almost equal zones were created.

What? What about mine?

I didn't bother to select somewhere to use my Sanctuary and decided to save it for later. After all, it's bothersome to move your set location to a different one later.

Anyway, after setting their boundaries, the four God Tamers quickly activated their Sanctuaries. Fortunately, the function doesn't automatically select an area and instead requires the tamer to manually select the land they want to be included under their control.