Letting Loose (1)

While Will was sneaking behind the demon army, sniping the demons, starting from the weakest among them, the girls were also doing their own thing.

Ember was standing atop the tallest mountain to the north, the one that Goddess Blanc had just randomly created to divert the demon army away from her area.

"There's still some of them daring enough to try and climb this precipice..."

The face of the mountain facing the demon army was practically vertical, with nowhere to grab onto. Still, some of the god-level demons could sink their claws or feet into the surface of the mountain and scale it slowly.

Ember looked down at them and noticed that the ones climbing the mountain were several stages stronger compared to those that detoured without a second thought.

"How should I handle this?"

Ember tilted her head, frowning hard, as she tried to figure out what to do with them.