Beginning of a friendship

Xi Shen, the illegitimate child of Chen Zeon (the younger brother of Chen Zeng), hadn't been acknowledged by his father because of his birth mother, who was a lowly maid. Xi Shen had to live his entire life as an orphan, hiding his true identity. Living inside the Chen Long sect, he faced many discriminations and bullying. However, he paved his own path to success while enduring everything. Power, wealth, and position eventually came to him, until he became a threat to Chen Zoe. In situations, where there is fight for power, it always ends after seeking blood. So, at the end, Xi Shen couldn't win against the ultimate villain, and faced a tragic death.

Back to present.

Anyway, Li Xin never thought that the first rival he met in this life would be Xi Shen. Being an adult from inside, he couldn't able to leave Xi Shen there in that condition. Ignoring the fact that he was helping a future enemy, he took him to the room to treat his wounds.

"Why do we have to treat him?" Helping Chen Zoe half heartly, Rui annoyingly asked.

"Why are you in such a foul mood? Isn't helping an injured person is the prior duty of a physician?" Trying to brighten up Rui a bit, Chen Zoe teasingly asked.

"I don't want to be such generous physician. It's just that my father wants me to follow in his footsteps, so I'm learning medicine." His answer left Chen Zoe speechless for a moment.

A few minutes later, Xi Shen woke up. "Where am I?" Finding himself in a different room raised anxiety in him.

"Can't you guess after seeing us here? It's my senior's room." Rui answered before Zoe could spoke.

"Thank you." Raise from the bed, Xi Shen bowed his head and spoke.

"You don't need to…" Before Chen Zoe could complete his words, Rui interrupted.

"Why? Why is there no need? Not only did we save him from those bullies, but we also treated his injures. He should be grateful for our kindness…"

Not allowing him to speak any more nonsense, Zoe covered Rui's mouth.

Before Zoe could apologize for Rui's rude behavior, Xi Shen left the room.

A week later, the news of the troop that left for the hunt was returning caused an uproar in Chen Long Sect. Everyone became busier than ever from that day. Finally, when the day came, Chen Zoe also got a chance to see a glimpse of his father, the sect leader, Chen Zeng.

"It's too boring, let's sneak out." When everyone was busy in their own world, Chen Zoe made a plan to go outside due to boredom.

Rui was willing to follow Chen Zoe, but never expected their paths would cross with Xi Shen out of nowhere. When sneaking outside they were caught by Xi Shen and for some reasons, they ended up tagging along with him.

The three of them began to enjoy the freedom they gained after a long period. Longwei peak was quite large place with beautiful sceneries, they went to the famous street. Chen Zoe tightly holds Rui's hand because of the crowd and attempt to hold Xi Shen, but his cold gaze warned Zoe not to treat him like a child.

Eating snacks, wandering the streets, and buying things were a good experience for them. Anyway, Rui slowly started to behave more friendly towards Shen.

"Rui, where is Shen?" In a moment of carelessness, Xi Shen disappeared into the crowd.

They tried to search for him but couldn't find him. Standing hopelessly in the middle of the crowd, Chen Zoe felt so helpless. He got anxious, however compose himself not to make worry Rui also.

At that time, suddenly a hand fan opened in front of Chen Zoe's face.

"Isn't it nice?" A familiar voice came from behind the fan and it turned out to be Xi Shen.

For the first time, Li Xin realized he had a sever bad temper. Without any delay, Chen Zoe delivered a quick slap to Xi Shen's face. "Couldn't you have informed one of us before going somewhere… You know, how worried we were about you?"

And the next moment, his anger worn out. Chen Zoe hugged him in relief. He couldn't understand why his eyes were shedding tears in that situation after finding Xi Shen.

"Senior…" Seeing all this, Rui worriedly called.

"Let's go back home…" Chen Zoe forcefully took Rui with him to hide the embarrassment. For a while, the three of them were silent, waiting for someone to speak first.

"S-so…" Before Chen Zoe could break the silence by apologizing for raising his hands, Xi Shen spoke.

"Sorry, I never thought anyone would get worried about me… I just wanted to give you something for the day you saved me, that's why I went to buy this. If you don't like it, you can throw it away." Giving the hand fan, Xi Shen walked away quickly.

'He went to buy it for me!!!'

"Hey slow down. Are you planning to leave us behind again?" Chen Zoe's voice stopped Xi Shen, and he continues. "I didn't save you to get something in return. I thought it's common for friends to help each other. So next time, don't show such formalities."

'Friends' Zoe's words confused Xi Shen for a moment.

"By the way, the hand fan is quite cool. I like it."