Meeting Chen Ling

The next day, early in the morning, someone was eagerly waiting for Chen Zoe to wake up.

"Should I wake the young master?"

"Shh… Can't you see? He is sleeping."

Hearing a low conversation, Chen Zoe awakened with a disturbed mindset.

'Who's this?' At first, he couldn't recognize the person sitting beside his bed. After looking again, Chen Zoe couldn't help but rise from the bed quickly. 'Chen Zeng… What's he doing here?'

Completely different from yesterday's cold demeanor, Chen Zeng presented himself warmly in front of Chen Zoe. With his coldly handsome face, Chen Zeng illuminated the room without any source of light. However, seeing the man who had left his injured child to go hunting didn't bring much happiness to Chen Zoe's heart, even though his face was pleasing; it only raised suspicions.

"Why do you look so pale? Did I scare you?" Chen Zeng asked with concern.

"N-No, I just got surprised..."

"How do you feel now? Do you have any pain in your body?" Seeing him concerned for his son, made Li Xin feel uneasy.

"I'm completely fine now." Without making much eye contact, Chen Zoe replied.

"Are you angry at your father?" Not getting any response from his son, Chen Zeng continued. "Look what I brought for you. Here, go ahead and open it." He passed a wooden box covered with red cloth.

The box felt slightly heavy, and upon removing the cloth, Chen Zoe noticed bloodstains on the edges. Doubtfully, he looked at his father's face, but seeing his expectant expression, he had no choice but to open it. However, seeing Rui trembling with fear in the corner made the situation even more suspicious.

Summoning his courage, he opened the box. The sight inside the box was far from pleasant; the gift Chen Zeng had given his son was a severed woman's head.

Without delay, Chen Zoe threw it away.

'Is this something a father gifts to his 10-year-old son? Is he crazy???'

The head rolled onto the floor and touched Rui's feet; he fainted faster than Zoe's reaction.


"Take him out," Chen Zeng ordered the guard standing outside and went to retrieve the head that Zoe had thrown. "I thought you'd be happy after seeing the severed head of the dragon queen, who's responsible for our losses. But it seems you aren't ready to face such things."

"Dragon!!!" At that moment, Chen Zoe paid attention to the severed head; her skin had shiny scales, and her forehead bore a mark resembling fire.

'Is killing a dragon really that easy in this world? And on top of that, he killed a dragon queen… Wasn't she the protagonist's mother?'

"Do you know who she is? The queen of dragons, Hua Long… Because of her people, we lost our people, peaceful life and happiness. I don't understand why she came here to talk about peace after causing so much harm. Did she think we would forgive them?

Maybe others can, but not me. It's unfortunate that her child survived, but it had to see how long they can survive in this land." Chen Zeng's words give a chill to Chen Zoe.

"I can understand the pain, but is it right to kill someone who hasn't done anything wrong? Then in what way are we different from them?" Chen Zoe raised a question that crossing his father.

"You're just like your mother, so naive and righteous. But Zoe, this world doesn't need such people. If you want to live peacefully, you have to eliminate your enemies no matter what.

The world is darker than you think; being merciless and cruel is the only way to survive here. If you can't be that way, then at least be strong enough to protect yourself." With these words, Chen Zeng left the room.

'So, the story begins to unfold after all.

But I never thought the reason behind how a mixed-race dragon (the protagonist) ends up in the human realm would turn out like this.

What should I do now? No matter what, I have to survive in this damn world.'

Five years later.

Many things had changed over time. The distance between Chen Zoe and Xi Shen gradually decreased, and they became friends.

On his fifteenth birthday, Chen Zoe received a special gift from his father, a spiritual sword and he named it as Zoyar.

Amidst all the changes, the fateful encounter finally occurred. Of the many heroines in the novel, the first female lead Chen Ling appeared at Chen Long sect as Chen Zoe's cousin.

After her mother's death, Chen Zeon brought his five-year-old daughter to his family under pressure from his older brother Chen Zeng. Chen Zeon's displeasure was clearly evident on his face. [Chen Zeon didn't like taking any responsibilities at all.]

In the novel, Chen Zeon's indifference toward Chen Ling turned her into a white lotus character who sought love from everyone. Her charm influenced Chen Zoe more than anyone, and this was the initial cause of the villain's hatred towards the protagonist when she truly falls in love with Long Yuzhan.

However, the one-sided love of villain ended tragically when Chen Ling poisoned Chen Zoe for Long Yuzhan which leads to the pathetic death of villain at the war.

Knowing the future, it became hard for Chen Zoe to accept Chen Ling whole heartly. However, he couldn't show disgust towards a five-year-old child. All he could do was ignore her and avoid meeting her whenever possible.

But he couldn't escape destiny, which continued to bring them together. And one day, Chen Ling react to the cold attitude of Zoe.

"Why doesn't Brother Zoe like Ling? Is it because Ling is a bad girl? Is that why everyone hates Ling?..." In the end, he had to surrender to the girl, after seeing her crying the eyes out.

"If you want to be one of us, then you have to act like us."


"Be brave and strong. Don't act like a spoiled crybaby. If you want something, learn how to achieve it yourself.

If you want to be recognized as my sister, then at least earn my interest by proving yourself as strong."

He gave her a tough task which she could never achieve, but overthrowing the expectations, she improved herself day by day and become an obsessive sister figure out of nowhere, who seeking recognition from her brother.