Arrogant young miss and her humble servant

"I hope you all understand the importance of this late-night meeting. We can't delay it any longer; the missing cases are increasing day by day in Yuling village." Gathering the elders as well as his subordinates, Chen Zeng held a meeting related to the issue of Yuling village: the disappearance of young maidens.

The missing cases are increasing each day, and the pleas for help are also coming non-stop. Also, the disciples sent to investigate the case have gone missing without a trace.

"Leader Zeng, it's not that we weren't aware of the situation, but our hands are already full with the current affairs inside and outside the sect, especially when, the next hunt is about to occur."

"Elder Mu is telling the truth, Leader. However, we sent disciples to look into the incident, but they also went missing."

"I understand all of your situations, which is why I want to know if there is anyone willing to take on this mission? I can guarantee that the person who volunteers will receive a two-day vacation as a reward." It's the most Zeng can offer as a leader, when the workload was filling their free time.

However, no one seemed interested in the offer when they considered the workload they would face after the two days, as they would have to catch up with the tasks left behind if they willingly went on the mission.

Surprising everyone, a hand went up, and it was none other than Chen Zeon's. "I will..." More than anything, what he despised most was staying inside the sect. He genuinely loathed the place because of the rules and regulations that restricted his freedom, along with some unpleasant memories associated with it. He continued, "But I have a condition... I will choose the ones who should accompany me."

"Do as you wish but complete the job as quickly as possible."

The meeting ended with Zeon being chosen, but those affected by that decision were Chen Zoe and Xi Shen. In the selected disciples who accompany Chen Zeon, they also included.

The next morning, they began their journey towards Yuling. Unlike a typical expedition, it took an unusual turn. Due to the increasing missing cases in the area, Chen Zeon decided to play along with the situation by disguising Chen Zoe and Xi Shen as females.

"It's not fair; why do I have to play the role of a maid? Even the dress looks so plain; the maids in our household wear much more expensive clothes than this..." Getting dressed inside the room, Chen Zoe shouted at his uncle who was waiting outside.

"Stop complaining and come out. Your young miss is already outside," Chen Zeon indirectly teased his son, who was disguised as a young miss.

"I'm also ready." Chen Zoe emerged from his room and struck a model pose in his new costume. "How do I look?"

Xi Shen's heart skipped a beat when he saw Chen Zoe's new appearance. He couldn't help but gaze at Zoe and didn't understand the unfamiliar feeling, he felt at that moment.

"Am I so beautiful that you can't take your eyes off me?" Seeing Xi Shen in a dazed state, Chen Zoe teased.

"I was just wondering how someone can look so ugly even after spending an hour on makeup," Xi Shen replied, avoiding eye contact and offering a response opposite to his actual thoughts.


"Stop arguing, you two.

From here on, everything is in your hands. Don't raise suspicion and try to attract attention as much as possible." Chen Zeon let them go first as per the initial plan and went to investigate with the others.

Chen Zoe and Xi Shen entered Yuling village in a luxurious carriage, playing the roles of an arrogant young miss and her humble maid.

"From there to there, pick everything and give it to her. She'll handle it." They decided to visit the market area to draw attention, buying whatever caught the eye. It was a fun activity for Xi Shen and hard work for Chen Zoe because he had to carry each thing.

"My hands are getting sore; let's stop," Chen Zoe whispered to Xi Shen.

"Let's halt here; I'm getting hungry. Hey, you, go and buy something to eat," Xi Shen ordered around.

On the way to a restaurant, Chen Zoe witnessed a commotion near a bun shop, where a boy was being beaten up by a few young men. Feeling sorry for the child, he intervened.

"Stop beating him; can't you see he's just a child?"

"Child!!! This beggar, he's a thief. Look, the stolen bun is in his hands." The small hands of that boy were tightly holding the bun even after getting beaten up.

"How much is it? I'll pay; just leave the child alone." Zoe sighed as he spoke.

Seeing Zoe willing to offer money, a sense of peace settled in the area. They took the money and let the child go.

"Are you okay?" Chen Zoe asked in a worried tone, but the boy didn't speak; he look at him from his messy bangs that covered his face and simply ran away from there in fear.

Left alone in there, Chen Zoe sat there in a daze.