Chapter 7 - Arrival at Sect - So much benefit, is he the son of sect master?

In the sect-

All the disciples were staring at Liu Xin who walked casually with the sect master.

"Who is he?" They all wondered and whispered to each other, but no one dared to say anything. Liu Xin looked at them and smiled.

'Most of the outer sect disciple is only in a low stage of Qi Refining Level. Let's see how inner disciples cultivation is in.' Liu Xin's main goal, for now, is to examine his senior brother/sister. If they came his way, he has to deal with them too.

He knows, be it a small or big sect, there will always be a jealous one who can't see someone getting more successful than them, especially when the competitor's strength is lower than theirs.

To avoid future problems, he had to note them.

"You will live here." The sect master showed him the grand house, which was huge. The outer sect disciple followed them to the house and was just shocked.

Cause, this was not a place for disciples to live. Instead, it was a place for the grand elder to live. This was the house of the sect master and grand elders. Not even ordinary elders were allowed to live in this house.

"Shit! Who the heck is he?" Everyone has this question. "He gets to live in this house the moment he joined... Isn't it unfair?!" They all whispered to each other, but no one dare to step forward. Not even inner disciple showed their displeasure.

Disciples couldn't follow them anymore as the sect mater let Liu Xin in and even Huang Rui who followed them along was left behind as she had no permission to enter it.

The moment Liu Xin entered the house, he instantly felt a huge amount of spiritual energy in the house. The energy was so dense, he felt it would only take some days for him to reach the high Qi Refining level.

Then the sect master showed him a lavish room. The room was not only grand, but the spiritual energy was dense inside. Many Lavish pieces of furniture and a comfortable bed were properly placed in the room.

"This is one of the empty rooms here. Only high-level guests are allowed to live here. But since you are special, you are allowed to stay in this room."

"Thank you, sect master."

"Now, get used to this room. I will manage other things."

"Ok." Liu Xin bowed and lay on the bed, the moment, the sect master left the room.

"So soft and comfortable." He who had never experienced luxury in his both life was filled with bliss. After a while, he sat in a meditative position and began cultivating. He can't miss this opportunity to cultivate in a high-profile room.

In night-

Knock! Knock!

Someone knocked on the door. Liu Xin opened the door and found a young man with a gentle and handsome face standing behind it.

"Oh, you are our special junior brother." He said with a smile. "I am one of the sect master-disciple, the oldest one; Jing Tao. Nice to meet you."

"Oh." Liu Xin's face turned full of smile and bowed slightly while cupping his hands. "So, it's a senior brother. I am Liu Xin. Please take care of me in the future."

"Of course. Master has told me to give you this storage ring, and also told me to show you around the sect. If you are free tomorrow, I will show you around."


After that, the man left the room and Liu Xin sat on the bed with a smile. "Finally, I got a storage ring." He also looked at the door. "That man, he doesn't look that bad. But who knows about this true nature." Liu Xin was cautious and didn't trust his senior brother completely. He decided to look at him more tomorrow.

For now, he put the storage ring on his finger and brought the items out.

First was a bronze stone where his name was carved. It was soft and looked luxurious.

Another was a gold plate with 'All access' written on it. He instantly knew this plate allowed him to move around to every part of the sect without restraint.

Another was a furnace for refining pills, and next was some medical herbs.

"Hmm, as the first condition, I needed access to every part of the sect, all access to books and techniques. The Second was a lavish place to live. Third was medical herbs supply, fourth, full protection, fifth, keeping me secret from the outside world mostly my talent, sixth I wanted a good amount of salary every month, seventh, no one should disturb me, eight, my authority is high even over elders so no one can offend me, ninth, I can request the sect to provide me with any core of beast I require and tenth I wanted the authority to give task for free." The huge list of conditions baffled the sect master.

At first, the condition exceeds his expectation, but after some thinking, he accepted. But he also had conditions, but only two.

First, Liu Xin will provide One Thousand Pill every month of any quality, and second, Liu Xin won't offend big sects or even talented disciples.

As Liu Xin's wishes were going to be fulfilled, he naturally accepted the sect master's condition and both laughed.

The most shocked person was Huang Rui. For her, the condition Liu Xin gave exceeded every part of her mind. She couldn't think anyone would get this lavish treatment.

On the way, she only looked at Liu Xin, shocked and stunned. She didn't know that this fellow was this talented.


The next day, all the disciples were searching for Liu Xin's identity. Due to not finding proper information, rumours of him went wildfire even in one day.

"He must be the son of the sect master."

"Mostly, how can he be this treated without any solid reason?"

"Hah, he must be the son of heavens!"

"His treatment even surpassed the elders, isn't this crazy?!"

While the rumours were going on, the rumour in person, Liu Xin was sleeping soundly.

Beside his bed, was a table where tens of medical pills bottle were kept.

Yeah, he refined all the medicinal herbs he obtained in just one day. Of course, the sect master also provided him with an energy-filling pill, so Liu Xin ate the pill the moment he felt his energy was low.

Due to this, every pill in the bottle was a Top Quality pill. Liu Xin was proud of his system as all the work was done by it, and he only provided energy.

In a sense, it could be said, his system was a computer and he was electricity.

"Liu Xin, you're awake." A knock came out from outside.

Liu Xin woke up, rubbing his eyes and put all the pills in his storage ring before opening the door.

"Are you ready?" Behind the door was a beautiful girl.


Liu Xin's head was full of question marks.

Who is this lady?