Chapter 8 - Little and Cute Senior Sister

Beautiful aqua hair reaching to her waist, pink robe covering her body, red eyes peering at Lou In. She had pure white skin, and an innocent face, with a slender waist and modest size breasts.

She wasn't tall, only reaching up to Liu Xin's chest. Furthermore, she was cute and looked precious. Anyone would want to protect her, as she was just that cute.

"Um…" Liu Xin stared at her for a moment. Thinking it was Jing Tao, he didn't fix his robe. Therefore, his upper body was naked, and his chest was visible.

"Who are you, little lady?" He asked with a smile, completely forgetting about his state.

The girl on the other hand was in a daze. As she stared at his chest, her face reddened.


Her whole face was beet red. "UWA~ UW~" She covered her face and looked down, squirming like an earthworm.

"Oh." Liu Xin looked at his clothless body and smiled daily. He closed the door and properly dressed.

"Stare~" She stares at Liu Xin with a glint of redness in her cheeks.

"Sorry about that." Liu Xin could only apologize. As the girl was embarrassed, he wasn't affected a bit.

"Who are you?" He asked.

"Umm…" She moved her head. "I… I am Xiao Ma." She took a deep breath. "I am the youngest disciple of the sect master." She said,

"How old are you?" Liu Xin couldn't help but ask, as she looked so small.

"What?" She was stunned. She didn't expect that question at all. "I am 16…"

"Really." She was so small, around 4.6 ft tall. It was too small for someone her age.

'So this is called Loli.' It was the first time he saw Loli.

'What am I thinking?' Shaking his head, he stretched his hand. "I am Liu Xin. Well, you are smaller than I in age, you are still my senior sister."

Hearing this, Xiao Ma's eyes lit up as a smile bloomed on her face. "Senior sister… Hehehe…" She smiled cutely.

"Hm! As your senior sister, I will take care of you. If you get in any trouble, just come to your senior sister." She puffed her chest.

"... This is seriously cute." Liu Xin smiled. "Well, I will trouble my senior sister." She was like a small animal.

"Ok, I will show you around the sect." She took the lead.

Liu Xin followed her helplessly. 'She is like a harmless animal.' He thought.

"This is Task Hall. Anyone can issue or accept tasks here. You can earn merit points, which can be used to exchange for many things." She explained earnestly.

"Next!" She rushed to the next building. "This is a treasure pavilion. There are treasures here. If you have enough merit points, you can even exchange them here."

"How many treasures are there?" Liu Xin asked.

"A lot!" She spread her hands, showing there was lots of treasure.

"This is a Sect Shop, you can buy and sell anything here."

"This is the training ground. We train here."

"This is the Cultivation Pavilion."

Even after running around for a while, Xiao Ma's energy didn't seem to come to an end. She didn't seem tired at all.

She was enthusiastically showing every place of the sect.

"And this is the Library Pavilion. Many books, martial arts and cultivation techniques are placed here. The first floor contains only books and is completely free to explore. But from the second floor, where cultivation and martial arts books are kept, it requires a certain amount of merit to read there."

"Ok, ok." Liu Xin patted her head. "Thanks for the hard work."

"There." She smiled innocently.

"Show me inside the library."


Like on Earth, the library was a quiet place. Many disciples were reading there completely in silence.

However, the silence was soon ruined by the cute girl who rushed in.

"This is the library. See there are lots of books here." She showed around in a loud voice, completely ignoring the disciple and the library supervisor.

The library supervisor was an old man, who looked grumpy. But even when Xiao Ma ran around making noise and disregarding the library rules, he didn't do anything and focused on his book as was normal.

Even the disciples didn't seem to care and continued to read their book.

"There's nothing special here, just books." Xiao Ma said with an irritated face as she looked at the books.

"You don't like books?" He asked.

"No. I don't understand anything written there. Even when my senior sister read me a book, I didn't understand anything. The content entered my right ear and escaped from my left ear." She looked at the second floor. "Let's go to the second floor. There are many fun books there."

"You don't hate cultivation books."

"No, they are so fun to read. Sometimes I don't understand what's written there, but it just clicks with me."

'She seems like a cultivation freak.' Liu Xin thought.

"Ok. Let's go." He followed the running Xiao Ma who was in high spirits.

The moment they reached the second floor, Xiao Ma quilted down and grabbed a book from the shelf and sat on the floor. It was so smooth that it looked like a habit of hers.

She even forgot about Liu Xin's existence. Liu Xin didn't mind and looked at the cultivation techniques.

[Superior Palm Strike (8 MB)]

[Divine Formation Cultivation art (6 MB)]

It was like heaven for Liu Xin. While he had 256 MB of storage left, he didn't recklessly learn the arts.

He didn't want a useless technique which would only take his space. Also, some techniques are not compatible with some cultivators, too. So, he decided to learn some useful martial arts.

"Senior sister." He called out for Xiao Ma. 'It feels weird to call her that.'

"Oh yes." She appeared before Liu Xin. "Sorry, when I see cultivation books, I can't resist the urge to read them." She lowered her head and apologized sincerely.

"It's ok. Just give me some strong cultivation books and strong martial arts books."

"Leave it to me!" She patted her chest and just rushed into the library.

"Let's see, what technique will our little Missy bring." Liu Xin smiled, looking at her disappearing back.