Chapter 26 - Beginning of Minor Sect Competition

Liu Xin, Jing Tao, Xiao Wei, Leng Fei, Zhang Hao, and Wang Jing, all wearing exquisite robes, designed with very fine fibre stood in front of a portal.

The portal rotating slowly emitted out a divine aura that doesn't belong to this world.

The group of six were led by the sect master.

In the surroundings, tall grasses, small animals and a wide open sky lay. There was not a single thing that crossed the height of 2 meters in the surrounding.

The portal in the middle, the surrounding was filled with greenery and small animals.

Azure Earth Sword Sect occupied a small land there and waited patiently.

Similarly, everywhere other sects occupied small land in the area, also waiting calmly. The group with the minimum number of disciples were 4 while the maximum was 10.

They were all going to enter the portal, which is a small world.

There was a total of 12 sects, each one looked fine and not poor. Liu Xin sensed their cultivation. The highest was early/low Core-Formation Disciples while the lowest was low-Formation building disciples.

Jing Tao had the highest cultivation in his team having the cultivation early core-formation realm while the lowest was Zhang Hao with Low-Foundaton Building Realm.

There was a calmness in the air, no one chatted with others as if disrupting the peace will lead to destruction.

It didn't take long for an old man to appear. He wore a simple robe which didn't look grand in any way. But his aura was too strong and pure that his aura only could kill all the people there.

His aura emitted a pressure that instantly weighed on their body. The feeling was like a mountain pressing on their head.

Some people with low cultivation gritted their teeth to bear the pressure, barely standing. While some looked calm, bearing the pressure easily.

Liu Xin and Jing Tao stood calm. His other members, excluding Zhang Tao had some difficulties but only their legs were shaking. On the other hand, Zhang Hao's whole body was trembling and he was sweating intensely.

"Good." His voice swept across the area, removing the pressure.

"I am Guan Yu, the keeper of this small world." He smiled slightly. He had an old and wrinkled face, devoid of any facial hair. His white hair floated gently.

Despite looking old, his vitality seemed to be high as he looked energetic. His gaze swept across the disciples.

"I will say once."

Hearing this every disciple straightens their backs, ready to listen to his speech attentively.

"The rule of this place is one. Kill the monster, gather herbs, and don't get killed. You will obtain points, based on the number of monsters you killed, the rarity of the herbs and how you survived in the wild." He said. After that, he moved his hand, creating a small vortex.

Small jade tablets appeared out from the vortex and bolted toward the disciples, each getting one.

As they obtained the jade, the jade glowed slightly. "Pour your blood." Guan Yu ordered.

As the disciples dripped blood in the jade, it glowed brightly. White qi was released from the jade and covered the disciples' bodies before returning to the jade.

Their name appeared on the jade and an inexplicable connection formed between them.

"You have a week. Those with the highest points win, and those who die loose." That was the rule.

Despite being righteous sects, the small world they entered wasn't safe. Not to mention, fight between disciples weren't banned.

"Of course, if you feel you will die, you can break the jade and transport out. But, if you die inside, no one will be responsible." Saying that the old man disappeared.

"I will supervise the world, so unexpected danger that beyond your dangers won't arrive. Enter the small world, group by group." As his presence disappeared, a sigh of relief spread in the groups.

"That was so pressuring." Said, someone.

"Yeah. When will we reach that level?" Said another.

"Let's go." Someone in the other group said.

It didn't take more than a minute for half of the group to disappear inside the portal. Azure Earth Sword Sect disciples also entered the portal.

"We may separate. Don't fight to the death. Escape the moment if you find something you can't offend. Try to find other members, the sooner the better." Jing Tao's words reverberated inside other ears as they all nodded in unison.

Liu Xin also nodded slightly and was the first one to enter the portal. Others followed.

As Liu Xin passed the portal, his surrounding blurred. The space wobbled as slight darkness covered his vision.

Before he realize it, he was standing in a middle of a forest. Trees that height crossed the sky filled his vision.

Its roots sprawled on the surface were thick, as sounds of birds and insects were heard around.

The density of the forest wasn't that much as the light easily pierced around his area.

The ground was green and felt a little slippery to walk on.

Liu Xin had two options.

Running around, finding monsters, plants and his allies. Or, climbing the tree, surveying the surrounding, and following weak enemies.

The first sounded rash, dangerous and the action that everyone does.

However, the second option was rarely done by others. Who will just climb a tree and look around, instead of finding a good place to find monsters and herbs, and quickly earn some points before regrouping with their friends and finding a suitable place to make it their stronghold?

Liu Xin without thinking, ran to the tree, rushing up to the top.