Chapter 27 - New Function; Map

A fresh breeze blew on his face as he looked at the surrounding. Huge Mountains that crossed the clouds. Big and small trees showed the greenery of this small world; only greenery filled his vision. No sign of civilization was found.

The huge island spread as much as the eyes could see. Due to being in a high place, he couldn't recognize anything on the ground level.


Suddenly, a sound echoed in his brain.

"?" His head titled. "I nearly forgot, I had a system." He didn't care about the system for so long that he nearly forgot about its existence.

[Small World Detected...]

A small hologram appeared in his eyes.

[Scanning the World...]

[Generating the map...]

[Map Created...]


[No map feature detected...]

[2 High-Quality Spritual Stone needed...]

[Pay] / [Ignore]

Two options appeared in his eyes. Without even thinking, he clicked on pay.


[Map Downloading...Installing....]

[Map Installation Completed.]

A medium size window appeared. The window contained nothing but green. Small dots, red, green, yellow, orange and purple filled the screen. A small white arrow was in the middle of the screen.

On the bottom left side, words were written.


[Red - Enemy]

[Green - Ally]

[Yellow - Monster]

[Orange - Herbs]

[Purple - Extremely Dangerous]

"That's..." Liu Xin's mouth twitched. "Soo awesome." His eyes lit. He can easily find treasures and avoid dangers.

"Let's see...." He found two green dots ten kilometres far from him. He also saw three orange dots just a kilometre far.

He first decided to go there. He circulated his new movement technique.

Shadow Blinking Steps.

Instantly, his body disappeared from the tree, leaving a trail of shadow. His figure appeared in another tree but that was also a shadow.

In just a second, he moved hundreds of meters. Not long later, he covered a kilometre and arrived at a dense Prairie.

The grasses were long enough to reach his face, while trees grew that even looking 90 degrees straight at the top, one can't see the top.

Small yellow dots that were hard to notice fell in his gaze as growls of monsters echoed around the grasses.

Three small yellow dots rushed at the white arrow and instantly leapt. Size of a rabbit, but the nails of a demon, with teeth that were long enough to touch the ground, and black in colour tried to cut his body.

However, the monster only cut the shadow and a dagger pierced through the monster's head.

The head, which looked like a cat, but with seven red eyes bled seriously. Without even getting a chance to scream, the monster died.

Two similar figures leapt at him at the same time, but the nails collided with the dagger producing a loud sound.

Clink! Clink!

Liu Xin easily blocked the attack and the monsters were forced to retreat. However, before they could move, a ball of fire burnt them.

Before the fire could spread, a small barrier surrounded the fire and even blocked the horrendous wailing.

As the fire burnt the monsters to ashes, the barrier shrunk extinguishing the fire.

Instantly, he looked at the map and heaved a sigh of relief as no other dots were near. He moved to the orange dot.

The grasses disappeared and barren hard rocks appeared in his vision. In the middle of the barren hard rock, a beautiful flower that seemed to be glowing had an appearance similar to a Madonna Lily, but blood-like red in colour which emitted a strange but sweet heart-melting fragrance appeared in his eyes.

The fragrance was so sweet that any mortal could lose their mind and grab the lily, but as a cultivator, Liu Xin endured the fragrance.

The flower was named Charming Crimson Lily. This is a rare verb which is mainly used in the production of pills that can bewitch anyone.

These pills are mostly used by the demonic sects but sometimes the righteous sects use them too. He walked there to grab the flower.

However, a big yellow dot appeared near him at a very fast speed. A big ferocious beast which was twice bigger than him.

One dark eye was on the centre of its face followed by a big mouth which had countless sharp teeth.

With a wolf-like body covered with dark grey fur which looked so soft yet emitted a dangerous feeling.

Eight legs on its body which showed the very long length of the body of the monster. The monster looked weird yet dangerous.

Its speed was faster than other beasts he had seen and didn't produce any sound. If it was not for the map that was in the corner of his eyes like a minimap, he wouldn't have known the arrival of the beast.

As the monster jumped at Liu Xin, he instantly moved from there and stabbed his dagger into its stomach.

However, the fur was so soft that the blade couldn't pierce. Immediately, he took out his sword and looked at the beast.

The beast growled and let out a loud roar. Liu Xin immediately used his sword technique.

Criss Cross Dangerous Strike

His sword cut through the space and created a blazing aura. As his sword moved, a crisscrossed aura appeared that booted toward the monster.

The monster shakes its body, raising its back and rotating. As the aura crashed with the body, a Clang! Sound generated.

The monster's soft fur erected like metal and blocked the aura. Small. oranges dot rapidly marched toward Liu Xin.

Liu Xin disappeared and appeared near the monster. The monster directly strikes the appearing Liu Xin.

However, Liu Xin jumped before the monster could bite him and threw his sword up.

He rotated his hand chanting Perfect Stab and as his hand goes the sword landed on his hand.

He stepped on the monster's head and his sword glowed. A faint aura accumulated on the edge of the blade enchanting the sharpness of the blade.

He stabbed the sword at the monster's head, the blade penetrated the skull easily and exited from the monster's neck.

Dark black blood passed out and with a loud roar, the monster fell.

Right after, hundreds of small but fast monsters leapt at him.

Spirit Blade Dance...

His body let out a gentle Qi and he floated in the air.

Sword intent emitted and was sharp that can cut stone like butter.


Blood flowed like a river, body parts fell and painful wails echoed. Surrounded by a horde of corpses, a wisp of energy entered his jade.


He accumulated a total of 210 points. He looked at the ranking.

He was ranked fifteenth.

The first was from some sect named Chen Men. No points were shown only names.

Not caring, Liu Xin walked to the flower and used his Qi to cover his hands. He gently plucked out the flower from the ground.

210 --> 710

15 --> 5


I wrote this chapter on mobile so there may be typos. Please comment on them and I will fix those.