New Era

Throughout the Myriad, changes that no one could've foreseen occurred one after the other as the effects they had would have to be discovered as time passed.

To understand how powerful one needed to be to affect All the Myriad Consortiums, a lot of context and information had to be given.

A/N: Sorry for the incoming info dump!

The structure of the Myriad consortiums followed as such; Omniverses were Spatio-Temporal constructs made of an infinite amount of Mortal timelines that contained an Infinite amount of Galaxies, universes, and Multiverses.

This was considered the lowest level of existence as anything below it was not worth mentioning.

Beyond that, existed The Hiero Pyramid. The pyramid was made of Laos Abodes, True Dimensions, and finally the Reality Marbles. Each containing an infinite amount of the previous constructs while transcending them.

The Hiero pyramid was considered to be the Root of all Cultivation civilizations within All consortiums as it was the place where all upper saints ascended to when they broke into the tier of Antiquities.

Within all Consortiums existed an uncountable amount of Hiero pyramids but usually, one was chosen as the main one.

Above the Hiero, Pyramid existed 7 independent Celestial Constructs Created from the Will of Natural Orders.

These 7 Constructs followed this Hierarchical order; Verses, a composite Celestial Construct made of three parts(mortal, immortal, cosmic). Verses were the amalgamation of all the Origin essence created by the infinite amount of existing reality marbles influenced by Natural Mythical will.

Just like all the other 6 constructs Time and space were irrelevant in verses as it stretched beyond what could be defined as infinite.

Realms were considered to be the result of countless Cosmic Verses colliding together and fusing their Mythic Core.

In Realms, time was non-linear and in a constant paradoxical state while space is fundamentally chaotic. Realms are naturally imbued with the essence Of emptiness which allows weak pseudo-Empyrean lifeforms to advance.

Worlds were celestial constructs made from the very essence of laws, they contained and represented the unfathomable secrets that nature contained.

Only Hegemonies could safely exist within such a place. In Worlds, natural Incarnations of Law could be born and form various clans of incredible power.

Above Worlds existed three more celestial constructs that all collectively formed a single Consortium.

The Myriad Consortium represented the beyond the infinite amount of existing consortiums.

This was the known structure of the Myriad consortiums by most High Cultivators and Runic researchers. What Lucius had done was something they couldn't comprehend nor even imagine as the logistics behind such actions implicated way too many things.

Very far from where all these changes originated, in an unknown consortium, a young man sat cross legged in a vast plain full of beautiful flowers.

There were flowers of all kinds and colors but the peculiar thing about these flowers was that they emitted a strange aura that seemed to be absorbed by the young man.

The young man who was absorbing the strange aura from the flowers suddenly opened his piercing green eyes.

His long and rough white hair danced through the winds as his jade skin reflected the rays of sunlight that came from the five massive suns hanging in the beautiful blue sky above him.

"The academies will soon have the senior check up examinations so why are you staying here in these desolate lands? Shouldn't you be preparing for it ?" Asked a young feminine voice.

"It doesn't matter, with my talent even if I fail all their tests they won't let me go. I'm more interested in the little game happening here."

"Aren't you curious?"

"Why would I care about these frauds? They are cattle and that's what they'll always be. This pseudo-Golden era is obviously being used as a cover by some idiot for something else."

"Whatever it is, it's not worth our attention."

"Oh common, you can't deny the fact that these lands created some very talented individuals. I heard one of our Origin recruits came from here and is completely crushing his peers."

"Who fucking cares? I don't know why you're wasting your time here. You can't even advance on your cultivation while being here."

As these words were said a little girl of about 12 years old appeared, wearing a long black kimono she had the same features as the young man. Green eyes and long rough white hair.

"I sensed an opportunity here. That's why I stayed but it suddenly disappeared after their so-called Golden age started. This opportunity was so big I felt like it could push my path into 'that' stage."

"Are you being serious ?"

"Now you understand why I can't just leave."

The little girl stood still for a moment thinking about what her older brother had just told her.

'If he manages to push his path into to 'that' stage he'll be sure to become the next patriarch. This should be enough to buy us some time before the other clans try to attack us.'

"Alright, I'll cover for you. Make sure you actually get something out of this." Said the little girl as her figure evaporated into thin air.

'So she hasn't noticed. This artifact is truly something else.' Happily thought the young man.

This young man was Liebe, one of the royal heirs of the 13 Orgon Dao Families.

He had come to the Myriad consortium or desolate lands as the little girl called it, in search of an artifact that could help push his path into a realm very few of his age accomplished.

After spending a relatively Long time searching, he found it.

It was a quasi tier 14 artifact called {Eye of Heaven}

This artifact had to be fused with the user's soul for it to activate but its effects were mind-boggling.

It constantly scanned the user's primordium core and found any possible flaws and inconsistencies within them then created sub paths with the user's path as the origin then fused it with the user's primordium core, essentially strengthening it.

This not only perfected the person's path but also strengthened and refined the person's core to insane levels.

Another one of its functions was the ability to see and directly interact with minor essence nodes. This ability seemed normal and plain but in the right hands, this was one of the most terrifying abilities.

Being able to have absolute sovereignty over all types of energies within an undefined domain was a terrific ability but on top of it all, it granted him Absolute Divine Authority within his domain which meant that within the same tier, he was practically invincible.

The artifact had more abilities that he hadn't unlocked but these two were already enough to make him incomparable to his previous self.

"Just wait for me…"