New Era(II)

Within a weak mortal galaxy, a fight of untold brutality and violence took place.

An army, made up of trillions upon trillions of experienced martial artists, all fighting in perfect harmony against a single pair.

A man with short blonde hair, green eyes, and an imposing stature accompanied by a beautiful woman with the same features.

Together they moved at speeds that exceeded mortal limits and valiantly fought against the army in front of them.

Each second was more grueling and violent than the previous as the pair was ruthless and precise with all of their hits.

As they fought, a strange golden aura resembling that of a dragon appeared around them and enhanced their fighting prowess.

The more they killed and claimed victory, the more the Dragon's figure and silhouette solidified which In turn strengthened them.

After an unknown amount of time, the pair only had one enemy left.

This enemy was a breathtaking woman that looked to be in her early 30s.

With Long dark red hair tied in a perfect bun, fox-like hazel eyes, and a figure that could drive any man crazy she stood unfazed.

She wore a simple but thin black dress that entirely covered her body. Her whole being was covered in energy that seemed to represent the destruction and end of all things.

They faced each other on this desolate battlefield, littered with bodies upon bodies that the pair had killed over the years of intense fighting.

"As expected of a son of heaven."

Her beautiful jade hands waved within the air and the energy around her gathered within her palm before exploding outward.


The explosion was massive and the sonic Boom caused by it could be heard throughout the whole galactic region.

What was once a field of slaughter and war had turned to nothingness as they were all floating within the Void.

The Beautiful woman effortlessly floated within the void as she watched the countless white threads that had gathered around the pair and protected them from the explosion.

"How important are you? The very Will of order protecting a little boy like you shouldn't be happening. Especially within this new age of freedom. I have been trying for a long time now and I always end up getting the same result."

"Tell me…who are you?" She asked as her enchanting voice reverberated within the void.

From the threads, the young blonde man emerged.

"So you've been chasing me around all this time not knowing who I was?"

The words of the young man contained an incredible amount of anger and rage.

The hate he held for this woman was something rooted deep within his soul. From the day of his very birth up until now, she had been antagonizing him.

After having his clan destroyed and tortured before his very eyes he had lost all hope and was ready to give up but that was until he found someone that would go on to define his life.

She pulled him out of what seemed to be an inescapable abyss. She showed him a world he thought he didn't deserve, and loved him in a way he had never been loved.

With her support, he had been reborn from what could be considered his ashes and had become a new man.

With this newfound determination, with his companion, he traveled the world and discovered new cultures and ways of life.

He enjoyed every single second of the journey and grew as a man, he even became a father of beautiful twins.

Unfortunately, Fate had other plans for this young man.

An army of thousands.

All of them being renowned martial artists with years of experience. As a mortal with no cultivation on top of the fact that this was a surprise attack, he simply stood no chance.

Having lost his 2 little angels and almost losing his beloved, he was on the verge of madness but he persisted for her and everything she had done for him, through some godly luck he managed to survive this event and save his wife.

Unfortunately, this wasn't the end of the torture. Every day another army was sent and each year the number was multiplied by five.

Every time he managed to survive and save their life by a hair's breadth but this constant aggression slowly destroyed him and brought him back to the abyss, but once again within the endless darkness, her hand reached him and pulled him out of it.

While fleeing from an assailant, she found a strange cave full of mysterious Dragon drawings and upon further research and probing they found the legacy of a Dragon King. This legacy offered them new bloodlines and a plethora of otherworldly high-grade techniques.

This was their chance to change their horrible fate and they grasped with every part of their soul.

They cultivated day and night with no rest in the hopes of one day being able to fight back and free themselves from this torture.

After Centuries of constant fighting and struggling they became some of the strongest warriors in the galaxy but the number of warriors never reduced and their level always matched theirs. That's when they realized something was wrong.

"You've been playing with us, haven't you ?"

The anger he previously held seemed to completely disappear as he sounded defeated and tired but oddly enough his face contained some sort of tranquility and peace.

"I'm right here. Go ahead. Kill me, torture me or do whatever you want. I'm here." He said as he spread his arms wide and undid all types of soul and body protections he had on him.

"What about your lady?" Curiously asked the woman.

This woman was the reason why he kept pushing and surpassing himself regardless of all the odds that were stacked against him.

"She'll be safe."

The Crimson haired Woman looked at the peaceful expression on the young man's face and her face twisted in anger.

She had spent all these years making sure every single day of his life was as painful as possible in the hopes of completely breaking him but now he stood in front of her, satisfied with his life and ready to give everything he had worked for, for the one he loved.

She wanted to kill the woman in front of his very eyes to completely break him and finally have him crumble but now everything she had done had lost its meaning. The fact that her actions had indirectly created a beautiful love story frustrated and angered her beyond belief.

The more the crimson-haired woman thought about this whole situation the more potent her destructive aura became.

With a flick of her hand, countless weapons formed of this strange destructive energy formed and headed toward the threads that still contained the young man's companion. Without any surprise, the threads completely tanked the Crimson woman's assault, leaving the woman inside intact.

"So I was right. You want to break me. For a long time, I wondered why you were so obsessed with me. Every day I would spend hours on end trying to find what you wanted from me and why you were so obsessed with me."

As he said these words the Golden dragon figure that had followed him through his battles fully materialized and started rapidly coiling around him.

"I came to one conclusion. Temporal regressor."

As he said those words, though the crimson haired woman seemed calm on the outside, her heart couldn't help but palpitate in fear.