Friendly Spar

As they walked around the various chambers and lands of the Reizon house, Lucius couldn't help but smile as nostalgia flooded him.

"Even though it's changed…it's still the same…" he softly muttered.

"This is your home Lucy. It's truly good to have you back." Said Aurelia as she lightly caressed her grandson's face.

"Have you guys ever managed to catch him?" Asked Lucius.

"No…but we're close to finding him." Coldly answered Mavis, his tone dark and heavy.

Aurelia couldn't help but lightly shiver as she remembered what they had done but she quickly regained her composure, not allowing Lucius to notice her inner conflict.

'Sigh, she still blames herself…will he truly hate us if he finds out…?' Lightly thought Mavis.

"Let's have a spar."


"The mood seems pretty dark. Best way to clear it is to have a good ol martial spar!" Exclaimed Lucius as he regained some of his long lost cheerfulness.

"But you're still a mortal what if-"

"Oh? Scared old man?" Teased Lucius.


"It's fine if you're scared, you just have to be honest about it! What would people think of the grand-"

"BOY! LETS HAVE THIS DAMN SPAR!" Angrily exclaimed as Lucius's bell like laughter rang out.

Aurelia could only sigh in exasperation as she looked at her two boys acting like kids.

'It's good their relationship hasn't deteriorated…'


On a stone arena somewhere within their lands, Lucius and Mavis faced each other as Aurelia acted a referee.

"I'll seal myself, so this will be a test of pure skill."

"15 moves."

Lucius only nodded as his stance lowered and his eyes darkened.



The ground shattered as they both shot as each other, their martial Ki flaring to life.

Mavis immediately punched forth to which Lucius sidestepped but before he could think further…

'A feint?!'


His arm cracked as Mavis's powerful leg hit him his left side by his surprise, his crimson martial ki dealing even more damage to him.

All the air within Lucius was pushed out as he struggled to breath but Mavis didn't seem to care as he performed another kick.


Despite his state, Lucius managed to dodge by a hair's breadth as he instantly launched his palm, coated in his his dark martial ki, at Mavis's stomach.

"Hmph! You take me for an amateur?"

Mavis left hand slapped Lucius' palm away, leaving him open as his knee rapidly shot at the latter's chest.


His bones shook and his mind almost blacked out as Mavis's knee made contact but weirdly enough, a large devilish grin appeared on Lucius's face.


[Coiling Death Dragon.]

His martial aura burst forth, flooding the surroundings as his fists seemed to become incarnations of death and destruction.

Ignoring all concepts of distance, Lucius's dark dragon fists immediately reached Mavis's chest but before he could make contact…



Mavis teleported behind Lucius and with a clean whack, knocked him out.

Seeing this, Aurelia stayed speechless for a second before she burst into a fit of laughter.

"Pfhahahahaha! How petty are you?!" She asked in between her giggles.

"Hmph! The brat would've gotten arrogant if I let him win."

"Oh so you're admitting he won?"

"Woman! Don't-"

"Oh my! I wonder how the world would react to such news!"

Not paying anymore attention to his wife's teasing, he picked Lucius's body as a smile bloomed on his face.

'Not bad…'

In a large room, full of glistening white marble and exquisite furniture made of golden and obsidian colors, lay a magnificent king-sized bed.

Slowly opening his eyes, Lucius found himself within that room as a light headache assaulted him.

"That fucking old man…." He groggily said as he stretched and got out of bed.

Since he was still a mortal, Lucius took a shower and then proceeded with his routine.

Even at his strongest, he continued to shower and take care of his body. To him his hygiene was a reflection of his state of mind and self-respect, he took this pretty seriously.

"Did you sleep well, Lucy?"

Aurelia's Majestic voice resounded within the room as she slowly walked towards him.

"Apart from the light headache, this was probably one of the best nights of sleep I've ever had. Thank you Grandmother." He said as he guessed she did something to make his sleep better.

"You don't have to thank me Lucy, and also you can call me Nana if you want instead of this formal title you know ?"

"Alright, Nana." Responded Lucius with a soft and kind tone.

Aurelia smiled and then waved her hand.

"Let's go eat, your grandfather is waiting for us. We have a lot to talk about."

Lucius was surprised for a bit since he knew beings of their levels hated indulging in mortal activities but he quickly remembered how generally odd his family was and happily followed his Nana.

Mavis quietly ate at a grand table where multiple other powerful individuals sat.

At this moment all these individuals were in distress as they just heard their Patriarch's decision.

"Patriarch Mavis, please reconsider! If the other houses learn of you and Madam's participation in the Royal trials they will all immediately attack! "

"I'm sure they already have an alliance ready and waiting! All they need is a breach and a chance to attack! Without you, we cannot stand a chance against them!"

The 2 royal advisors passionately pleaded to Mavis.

"Our royal house has existed before me and will continue to exist after I am no more. Through the ages, we have had countless outstanding Patriarchs and they have all left multiple safety measures for us in case anything happens. We have one of the strongest foundations within Genesis. Our waters run deep, deeper than even I can fathom."

"Are our Royal trials not proof of that ?"

"What do you mean Patriarch?"

"The House will be safe. That is what I mean."

At this moment Aurelia and Lucius walked and the room went silent.

All the beings within this room were of the Reizon House and possessed various Reizon bloodlines.

The moment Lucius walked in on them, they all felt the need to kneel and prostrate themselves in front of him.

The purity and power his bloodlines were emitting were off the charts, which was even more surprising considering Lucius hadn't awakened his Pillar of true earth.

Mavis waved his hand and the pressure Lucius exerted on them disappeared.

"Excuse my grandson, he cannot control his bloodline yet."

The word shock was not enough to describe the expression the people within the room had. Was this really their Scion? The long-lost son of the Heavenly Sun Scion?

"You are dismissed."

Even though they all had questions, the orders of the patriarch were absolute.

"Quite the introduction don't you think?" Said Mavis as his smile seemed devilish. He had obviously referred to Lucius as his grandson on purpose.

"This is gonna cause a lot of trouble and rumors but I'm guessing you already planned for that ?" Asked Lucius while he sat at the marvelous table in front of him, full of all kinds of delicious foods and dishes.

"I've already announced your return to most of the Leaders so don't worry, they know not to misbehave."

"On another note, let's talk about your awakening and the application to the academies as well as a few other things."