Ceremony Plan

"I'm listening." Said Lucius while stuffing himself with the various delicacies present on the table.

"Well, firstly, after your awakening, we'll be leaving. I can't tell you why or anything but just know that we'll be seeing you again soon."

Silence invaded the room as Mavis dropped this bomb on Lucius.

To this Lucius didn't react much as he simply continued eating, waiting for him to continue.

'Even though I expected it…'

"It's good you're not taking it badly. Secondly, you'll have to undergo the ceremony to become the new patriarch."

"With this status, no inner conflict will arise as no one would be able to deny your place within the family."

"Some idiots are already making some theories about your return so it's better we solidify your standing within the house quick."

"As for the rest, we can talk about it later, for now eat at your heart's content."


In a gigantic hall the size of multiple Consortiums, aligned in a circular fashion around a golden orb, multiple statutes that seemed to be carved and crafted by the most exquisite and talented crafters the world could offer rested.

They were all statues of unfathomable beings as even in stone form, their mere association with the statues caused an ungodly pressure to permeate through the hall.

This was the Hall of Remembrance of the Royal Reizon House.

These statutes were immortalized versions of some of the greatest beings they produced.

Every single person represented by a statue within this room had caused major advancements to either Genesis as a whole or the Clan.

They were all respected and worshipped by the younger generations as pioneers and light bearers of their clan.

Mavis led the March as Lucius and Aurelia walked behind him.

He didn't seem bothered by the pressure these statues emanated while he approached the beautiful golden orb at the center of the room.

"Touch the orb."

Lucius walked forth and faced the orb.

His hand reached for the Orb and at that moment time stilled. Simultaneously, his pupils activated and he was freed from the temporal halt that had just occurred.

"Greetings, Ancestor."

Lucius cusped his hands and performed a deep bow.

"Hmm…it's been a really long time since the surface called…what is it?"

In front of him, a man of incredible majesty stood. Lucius couldn't see anything of this being's features, not because he was hiding but because his soul couldn't compute nor understand the existence in front of him. But that didn't disturb him.

Lucius's back straightened from his bow and he looked at the being in front of him with contempt and anger.

His pupils activated and before the figure could do anything it found itself on the floor with its soul tied up by millions of burning green threads.

"A mere servant talking to the main bloodline like this?"

His voice was cold and unforgiving.

The burning green threads turned blue, burning even more as the being started screaming in agony.

"Forgive this ignorant child. He doesn't understand the significance of your existence."

An extremely powerful but calm voice resounded within the hall and the temporal halt stopped.

"Yes, ancestor."

The blue burning threads released the figure and all the damage that had been done disappeared.

Mavis and Aurelia inwardly smiled as they saw Lucius perfectly execute their little plan.

"I'm ancestor Okesh, one of the Shadow Beast Gods."

"It is my pleasure to meet this generation's Patriarch and their outstanding Scion. I must say to be able to Injure my disciple while still being unawakened is quite impressive."

"Our legacy truly is in good hands."

"Thank you. Can we proceed? We are working with very little time."

"But of course, dear Scion."

Okesh clapped his hands and they immediately vanished from their spot.

They reappeared within an underground space even bigger than the hall they were in.

The underground space was bathed in white as golden and Obsidian arcs of lighting cracked about in its skies that seemed to be a multicolored sealing.

Together, this formed a strange delirious scenery.

In this grand space, 6 large floating temples stood out, with multiple individuals going about their various tasks on it.

They all seemed to hold power that greatly surpassed the first great realm but no one paid attention to it as it seemed common.

"Welcome to the True foundation of the Royal Reizon House."

Within this place, they could finally see what ancestor Okesh looked like, and to say they were surprised when they saw him was an understatement.