
The pillar groups, their pillars, and the aspects that made them up were divided into 9 distinct ranks.

Mortal->Earth-> Sky->Heaven->Saint->Immortal->Divine->Celestial->Sage.

Each rank was further divided into 15 tiers.

The gap between each major rank only increased as we went up. The difference between someone with a Celestial Rank True earth pillar and someone that held a Sage ranked True Earth pillar was wider than the difference between the mortal and celestial ranks.

The chances of someone even awakening an earth pillar were so low only 1 person in 10 billion could ever hope to have such rank. The chances only exponentially decreased as we went up the ranks. Someone awakening a Sage pillar let alone a whole group was something so rare anyone would kill for it.

"Let's see."

The light that had filled the whole room dimmed and a large screen appeared in front of Lucius.

[Alpha Pillars: Rank- Peak Sage/ Tier 15.

-Click for details.]


[Omega pillars: Rank-Peak Sage/Tier 15.

-Further Information cannot be obtained until the patriarch reaches the required realm.]

[Origin Pillars: Rank-Peak sage/Tier 15.

-Further Information cannot be obtained until the patriarch reaches the required realm.]

[Exior Pillars: Rank-Peak Sage/Tier 15.

-Further Information cannot be obtained until the patriarch reaches the required realm.]

These were results no one would even pray to have as having all-around Tier 15 Peak sage ranks pillar groups was nonsensical. Having an overall group of such high rank meant all his individual pillars and their aspects were of that rank.

Even having a single Immortal pillar let alone a group, was worth celebrating as it meant the birth of an unrivaled genius.

Noble families of the firmaments would throw prestigious parties for such results, though that was only for the families below the 10th heaven.

Lucius gazed at his results with a small smile on his face.

He had expected to have this much, at least. He spent years studying beings with such high talents to be able to recreate them when he awakened on top of the boosts the multicolored orb and the dark lightning gave him, it was a given.


Outside the room, a large screen displaying the general results of his awakening was shown to the ancestors.

Stupidly loud heartbeats could be heard, ragged breaths filled with the area, and the space they were in started breaking down as strange temporal projections were happening all around the ancestors.

For a second all the ancestors had lost all control they had over their powers, even though they had regained control their shock was still as present.

All around Sage rank pillar groups? And tier 15 as well? Was this a joke? Were the Heavens mocking them?

They genuinely couldn't believe what they were seeing. Lucius could practically just stay still doing nothing for as little time as 10 years and he would eventually surpass them in power.

The implications of what they were seeing were so grand they didn't know what to say.

Did the Heavens truly understand what the Sage rank truly represented?


A crazed laughter escaped the mouth of ancestor Lumium as he didn't know what else to do.

Ancestor Okesh and Layla looked at each other, covered in sweat. Despite their ragged appearances, large smiles adorned their faces.

"A glorious Age is ahead of us."


Lucius let a chuckle out as he felt the disturbances the ancestors had caused.

'If only they knew.' He thought.

His pillar groups were ranked as Sage because that was the highest rank possible but if there was a rank above it he would immediately be ranked at its peak. The mutations the multicolored orb and the dark lightning had caused on his pillars were no joke.

Lucius clicked on the available results of his Alpha Pillar groups.

[Pillar of Man: ERR0R]

[Pillar of Ego: ERR0R]

[Pillar of True Heaven: Peak Sage Rank/Tier 15.]

[Pillar of True Earth: Peak Sage Rank/Tier 15.]

[Pillar of Truth: Peak Sage Rank/Tier 15.]

The fact that his Pillars of Ego and Man were listed as errors wasn't a surprise to him.

Not wasting any time he clicked on his Pillar of True Heaven.



{Soul}- Sage rank souls detected.

•Septa Divine Sovereign Souls.

{soul land}-

•7 Sage rank Divine soul lands detected.

{True ethereal soul core}-

•7 Sage rank Divine Ethereal soul cores detected.

{Divine Gift}-4 sage rank divine Gifts detected.

•Divine Attributes. (sealed.)

•Divine Ego. (sealed.)

•Divine Aura. (sealed.)

•Divine Love and Rage. (sealed.)

{Innate Heavenly sources}:

• 13 True Sources of Paradise.

•7 Origins Of purgatory.


•Eternal Spirituality.

•Undying Existence.

{Spiritual Root}: Peak Sage rank.

•Erudite Spiritual Root.

{Innate essence Qi's}:

•7 Unidentified sage rank innate essences.

{Primal Land}:[ERR0R]


Lucius took a second to analyze his aspects and recalibrate the plans he had already made.

'The fact that I have an Erudite spiritual root is very good, it doesn't limit me in any way and allows me to use all attributes freely.'

'Thankfully my spiritual root is just as powerful as my other aspects. Even though Sage rank pillars and aspects are unimaginably powerful they require a million times the effort, balance I guess. Speed shouldn't be a problem when I got through my Taboo ceremony.'

He stretched his hand out and a massive swirl of spiritual energy, the downgraded version of spiritual essence, appeared within his palm. There was so much spiritual energy within his hand it seemed to be infinite and never-ending.

'I guess I'll be able to transfer my spiritual energy into essence and Qi since I pretty much have an Infinite amount of it, its purity and density are really lacking though.'

The spiritual energy within his palm condensed and became a small mass of Essence. He contracted and the mass reduced in size, becoming Purer and denser.

He dispersed the essence within his palms and then summoned his innate essences.

From his seven souls, 7 extremely pure and dense energy streams reached his runic pathways.

This time they truly felt infinite as their density or purity didn't take any hit.

'These bastards were enjoying such things this whole time?'

As a child before the incident happened, he had awakened an all-around peak Origin group.

It was great news to the clan as they went on to celebrate and have a grand party in the name of his awakening. Even then, the innate essences he awakened didn't feel like this. They weren't infinite and their quality in terms of purity and density was subpar to what it was now, that was the difference between ranks.

He gathered the 7 essences within his palms and used his pupils to identify them.

'Chakra, Aether, Celestial Essence, Khaos Essence, Arcane Magoi, Deus Essence, and Astral Essence.'

These were some of the rarest and most sought types of Essence out there, even in the firmaments a single crystal such essence go could for trillions. Not even some of the most powerful experts had access to such energies and if they had it was only a downgraded and impure version but Lucius now had an infinite amount of them in their purest and densest form.

He took a second to realize how blessed he was, despite the fact that he was the one that orchestrated his awakening he still felt grateful.

He dispersed the energies within his palm and concluded his analysis.

'Overall I'm pretty satisfied with this. I'll have to test my providence later.'

He then clicked on his True Earth Pillar



{Constitution}- Supreme Unity under the Heavens


•Supreme god of the absolute physique.

•Lord of Heaven physique.

{Race}- Sage rank Race detected.

•Royal Reizon(infant.)

{Bloodline}- 5 sage rank bloodlines detected.

•Royal Archserafiend Titan bloodline.

•Beast god bloodline(sealed).

•Abyssal god bloodline(sealed).

•Origin God bloodline(sealed).

•True Reizon Bloodline(sealed).

{Meridian pathways}- sage rank pathways detected.

•Dual Path of Khaos and Origin.

{Apertures}- Dual Sage rank Apertures detected.

•Apertures of the Origin Khaos God.

•Celestial Aperture of Reality.

{Divine chassis}- Dual Sage rank Divine chassis detected.

• Celestial Frame of truth.

• Natural Frame of peaceful Unity.

{Innate core of reality}- Sage rank core detected.

•Dual Core of Inescapable Creation and destruction.


Lucius looked at his results and a few things surprised him.

'If it wasn't for my Divine chassis of peaceful unity, my whole existence would have imploded due to the conflicting forces and energies. I lucked out on that.'

'Let's take a closer look at my apertures and meridian pathways.'

Apertures are tiny planar Dimensions that existed within a place called the Origin fracture. During an awakening, a cultivator could resonate within them and have it attached to their existence.

Apertures are considered to be a Luxury of the gods. When properly cultivated and nurtured the effects they could bring forth were beyond anything. Apertures gave a huge boost in physical and soul strength but they could also be used to create one's own version of concepts and laws, independent of the Heavens. For a heretic like Lucius, this was probably the most important one of his aspects.

Apertures had way more uses but very few people awakened them so little is known about them.

The dark lighting which Lucius had named Divine Lightning of judgment, rushed towards his soul and reached his aperture.

Even with how powerful his pupils had become Lucius couldn't see what was within his apertures but he could feel a power of unfathomable depth within them. A power and force so deep and complex that anyone would lose themselves just thinking about it.

His divine lightning shot out but this time the power it held seemed completely different. Since he had fully tamed and fused with the lightning, it couldn't harm him but just by being close to it, he could feel the new destructive power it held.

Before it only held the Divinity of the thunder god and the authority of the Heavenly judge, powers that only the most powerful beings within the firmaments could wield but now it seemed to have surpassed that realm and reached a totally new level.

The lightning danced around his body and enveloped every single one of his spiritual and physical atoms before it Infused its power within it.


Once again his pillars were purified and elevated to a completely new level. His power kept rising until he felt a glass ceiling break within his existence. He had reached a completely new level, somehow he instinctively knew he wasn't the only one that had reached such power during an awakening.

'Is this the path to the stage beyond?'

His pupils brimmed with power as he felt like he had just touched upon one of creation's biggest secrets.

'Let's take things slowly. First I need to finish analyzing my results and the change my divine lightning underwent.'


31st Heaven.

The Heavenly Judge immediately stood up from her throne made of divine energy and her aura exploded.

She could feel her divinity and supreme authority rapidly diminish and regress. She was one of the most accomplished Deus's within the heavens, having spent septillions of Aeon cycles studying the truths of the world.

She was so powerful she had managed to claim half of a heaven to herself, a feat no one had ever accomplished. But now she could feel all she had worked for crumble down.

Her Tribulation lightning raged and spread through the whole of the 33 heavens. Her will extended even further as she went on to search through all the firmaments and planes within the gravel but she couldn't find anything.

Her aura reached new heights as the foundations of the 33rd heaven trembled in front of her power, alerting multiple powerhouses across it.

Atryia, the Heavenly judge didn't take any chances and deployed one of her trump cards.

Her divinity and supreme authority exploded into power and a third power descended.

The world went dark and all life in the surroundings was bound in chains of golden runes. The chains extended all the way to the concepts and laws that made up the reality they were in, essentially bringing existence to a halt.

[Arbiter's Truth.]

Instantly, all the fundamental truths made of up existence were laid naked in front of her.

She quickly looked through it but whatever she had found didn't seem to calm her anger.

She condensed her lightning into a spear of Obsidian destruction and directly sent it to the gravel.

All the planes within the gravel were destroyed. Nothing was left as even its ashes were consumed by her tribulation lightning. This would have grave consequences on her and the rest of the firmaments but she didn't seem to care.

Despite the destruction of the gravel, her divinity and Authority only kept decreasing. The feeling of slowly losing her power through such underhanded means drove her mad and pushed her to insanity.


Her enraged powerful voice echoed through the entirety of the living life forms of the heavens. Her voice contained so much power and rage that most beings imploded from the impact her voice had.


A simple clap reverberated.

All life forms and concepts that were bound by the Arbiter's truth were released and the heavens started to heal from the damage caused.

Despite the clap, the gravel didn't reappear. It was completely gone, never to be found again.

"Pretty cowardly aren't we? You knew I was the cause of this but still decided to attack the mortal boy? Pathetic."

No figure could be seen as only a calm voice full of regality and power could be heard.

"He's not here. I think you'll have a good time explaining all of this to the elder council, right?" sarcastically said the voice as it fully disappeared.

A scream of incredibly deep and dark anger reverberated through all the worlds and damaged them even more.

This scream was full of agony and frustration.