Ceremony of Taboo: Heir of Heresy

Lucius had one last thing to do.

In a large darkly lit hall somewhere within the Reizon house, Lucius was alone, drawing runic formations around him.

He summoned an energy blade and cut open one of his arteries, blood gushed out like a fountain and was immediately absorbed by the formation drawn on the ground.

The formation grew a crimson light which gradually intensified until the room was painted red from the light it emitted.

Lucius paled from the massive blood loss but simply used his pupils and returned to his peak state.

He went to the middle of the formation and stood there.

A flame of unheard darkness appeared around him, dancing on his skin. This dark flame screamed of nobility and defiance as it seemed to be the antithesis of the heavens.

The dark flame, just like the divine lightning, washed over every single part of his existence and purified him. While going through this purification process, he felt two glass ceilings break.

At this point, the strength of his foundation couldn't be quantified at all, it was simply monstrous now.

Though these were great boons, that wasn't why he had started this ritual.

When the flame finished baptizing him, it fused with his souls and found a place next to the divine lighting.

The formation activated and a terrifying phenomenon occurred.

Reality Spilt open and a force whose grandeur and depth couldn't be measured descended.

All concepts and fundamentals of reality disappeared and Lucius found himself within a dark expanse facing an incredible force.

The force pressed down on him but his constitution didn't seem to activate, meaning he could very well die this time.

He stayed firm and persisted, this force was mainly attacking his mind. As someone that had gone through his fair share of suffering, he considered himself to be pretty resilient so he stayed firm.

The pressure only increased, forcing Lucius to his knees. This action triggered something within him.

A rage of unmeasurable depths awoke within him. Frustration and sadness built over trillions of lives and experiences suddenly erupted like a geyser.

His golden pupils turned white and the once-dark center turned multicolored.

Thousands of glass ceilings broke every second until there was nothing left to break.

His power grew to reach unfathomable depths.

He stood up, the rage within him being as palpable as ever. It was a bottomless abyssal pit that burned with the deepest and darkest emotions life could produce.

His will stormed out and directly fought against what seemed to be the Heaven's will.

The Heaven's Will cried out and gathered the power of all sentient beings under it, aiming it all toward Lucius.

He looked at what could only be considered to be death without an ounce of fear within his eyes. He had been doing this his whole life, constantly fighting against impossible odds. Constantly fighting an upheaval battle, constantly punching up.

As the anger within him welled up, Lucius felt his heart pounding against his rib cage like a caged animal trying to escape. He could feel his powerful blood rushing through his veins, pounding in his ears like a drum set. His chest tightened and his fist contracted.

He released a primal roar.

This roar echoed through the dark void he was in, a raw roar filled with rage and defiance. It seemed to come from the very depths of his soul, a cry of anger and rage that could not be contained.

As his roar raged on, It seemed to shake the very foundations of existence.

His roar resonated with all the lifeforms within existence, it was a roar of rebellion. A refusal to accept the world as it was, the Will to create a new path free of the chains that were in existence. It was a roar that defied all logic and reason, a raw and primal expression of emotion that could not be tamed or controlled.

His roar echoed beyond the dark space he was in and could be heard by all existing life, all across the worlds and timelines, everyone could feel Lucius's unshakable will. This roar would never be forgotten by the world or the people.

The Heaven's will that was in front of him shuddered. It had never seen a mortal hold such rage and fury.

Lucius's rage came to a peak but his roar stopped.

His gaze which seemed to hold the weight of creation and possess the ability to mold truth itself shone with an indescribable light.

His hand reached out and Noxus appeared within his palm.

His arm cocked back and his knees bent. He gathered all he had left within him and aimed.

He threw the spear with all the power he could currently gather as a mortal. His souls exploded with power and his meridians as well as apertures worked in overdrive to provide him with as much power as possible.


Noxus shot through and tore the fabric of reality apart like it was nothing. Before the heaven's will could even do anything it found its existence devoured by Noxus.

The darkness that had enveloped the room he was in faded and Lucius collapsed on the floor with a triumphant smile on his face.

His souls were on the verge of collapsing and all his bones were broken but he had finally done it.

This wasn't the first time he had tried going through the ceremony of Taboo.

Each time he tried the result was more horrifying than the last as he ended up being tortured, or 'Punished' as the heavens would say, for trillions of eons.

A white aura whose purity and power seemed undeniable descended upon him and washed over him. It healed him and for the last time strengthened his pillars to the last extreme. As he was being healed and boosted he could feel the chains that had been tightly wrapped around his existence loosen up.

He was free from The Heavens!

The ceremony of Taboo was a ceremony created by the Heretics. Beings that existed at the dawn of creation but refused to serve under the hypocritical rule of the heavens. Not much is known about them apart from the fact that they found a way to free themselves from all influence of creation and become truly free beings.

Now that he had successfully passed the trial, he held the title of 'Heir of Heresy.'

He didn't know what it truly entailed since he had never passed the ceremony but he was happy nonetheless.


A little later, Lucius was found passed out in a pool of his own blood within the hall where he had done the ceremony.

Ancestor Layla, who had found him, almost had a heart attack when she found her beloved patriarch on what looked like the brink of death.

Thankfully, he was just asleep.