Mind blowing speed

For the third segment of the first step which was in his opinion the most fun and interesting, he had something special planned.

As stated previously, the fusion with his Innate foundation and the two previous evolutions have now given him the ability to grasp intents from the ethereal plane.

Normally, average cultivators could grasp 2-4 intents that they could turn into law cubes, if they were persistent and pushed their souls to the limit they might be able to go up to 6-7.

Even if they grasp that many laws, most usually sacrifice them to strengthen a single law they will focus on either because their soul isn't powerful enough to focus on so many different paths during the later stages or because their special techniques require them to do so.

For geniuses, however, it was different. For context, one had to know that there existed an uncountable amount of laws and variations of laws. The fire law for example had trillions of variations like Blazing fire Law, Origin Flame Law or Necro fire Law.

These variations usually tended to be more powerful than their original laws on the surface level but the original law was fundamentally superior since it was the True source.

Geniuses could focus on thousands or millions of laws at once If they wanted but that would be a waste of talent.

The usual strategy was to choose one focal law and understand all its variations. Fully comprehending an Origin law and all its variations was extremely hard but doable.

People that were able to truly master a law and all its variations were unmatched demons that could practically wield all laws as at their extreme all laws met one point, Origin.

A long time ago Lucius had speculated that if someone used the Law of True Origin and understood it to its fullest, they could deconstruct it and find all laws within it.

If they managed to accomplish this mind-breaking feat they would have full access to all existing laws and their variations. Even he didn't know what type of effects this would have. The law of true origin was so abstract and ethereal that no one had ever reached even 30% in its understanding.

Pupils of Divine Renaissance.

This was the absolute changing factor for him. With these eyes, he felt like he could finally achieve this fantasy and set his ultimate Law foundation.

He could feel his pupils pulsing with confidence about this as if they had a consciousness.

"To what scale shall I up the time formation, sir?" asked Ancestor Virlo, the ancestor responsible for the protection of their personal timelines and continuity.

He had been in charge of the House's Time patrol and departments since the days of the first patriarch. A lot of enemies used temporal attacks so his position was pivotal.

"The 15th degree." He answered as he closed his eyes and sealed all his senses from the outside world. He entered an extremely deep state of meditation.

Ancestor Virlo slightly smiled as powerful temporal energies erupted from his body and washed over Lucius and the formation.

He had heard of their new Patriarch's carelessness and boldness but he didn't think it was this exaggerated.

The grade of formations followed the known realms of cultivation. A 1st great realm existence could only withstand the effects of a first-grade formation. Lucius using a tier 15 formation was pure suicide and nonsense but he didn't say anything. This would be a test.

If he survived then that meant that his confidence wasn't based on false claimed and that he was truly worthy of his position, if he died then he simply wasn't fit to be their new light bearer within this new era of risk and change.

'He's very similar to that sun kid…let me not get my hopes up.'

He instantly vanished.


7th firmament.

Within a dark snowy mountain, rivers of blood flowed everywhere. Pieces of human and monster flesh scattered around as the sound of the dead's last moments could be heard within these mighty mountain ranges.

The putrid smell of rotten flesh and dried blood reeked around everywhere within the ranges, creating a dark and somber atmosphere.

On a pile of corpses, a young man quietly cultivated. He looked very young, about 12 or 13 years of age but his aura was nothing like what a child should emit. He had long abyssal dark hair that covered his whole bloody figure and dark blue eyes that gleamed with a depth and power so vast anyone would feel intimidated.

His face held a soft yet wild beauty that no one could hide, he seemed to represent the harsh truth of death and its sweet relaxing arms, all at once. His body was covered in strange dark runes that added to his aura of a newborn fallen divinity and perfectly contrasted with his ethereal white skin.

He wore a loose dark ancient marital robe that screamed elegance and regality. Just from his straight posture and serene face, one could feel an air of majesty emanating from him. He seemed like a lost prince of darkness within these dark and gloomy lands.

Aesir slowly opened his eyes and a blue aura manifested around him. His aura washed over the thousands of dead he was sitting on and completely devoured them.

The lingering auras of the bodies below him ranged from the 1st great realm to the 14th great realm but his aura devoured them all the same, feeding it directly to his soul.

Soon, all that was left for Aesir to sit on was a pile of bones. His aura retracted and his body burst into power, shaking the foundations of the 7th firmament. He had finally reached the peak of the first step.

He lift his palm and an extremely dark Law cube appeared within his hands. He looked at it for a few seconds and his eyes narrowed in disappointment.

"This is still not enough."

He used his laws and quickly teleported to a massively populated area within the 7th firmament.

The dark Law cube released dark waves of energy before it disappeared.

A second later 6 Guards in golden-white armor covered in beautiful white runes appeared.

At their front was a young bald man with piercing golden eyes. His gaze was filled with disgust and wrath as he gazed at Aesir.

Before he could even say anything Aesir smiled and the man exploded into pieces. His aura quickly devoured his corpse and then returned to his body.

"Sin is nothing but a weapon created for me to rule."

He spread his arm and his dark aura exploded, spreading in all directions and devouring most of the surrounding habitations.

A dark but elegant smile appeared on his face as he looked at them.

"Come on, don't be shy."
