Descent of the Dark Prince

"BROTHER!" Screamed one of the guards as he summoned his spear and rushed at Aesir with bloodshot eyes.


Just like the other guard, he exploded into pieces and was instantly devoured by Aesir's dark blue aura.

"Seal your souls." Stoically said one of the guards.

His eyes were blank and his expression was empty. He seemed to have no emotion or thoughts as he stood there.

Aesir smiled and just like the others, he exploded and was devoured.

"This can be considered as a form of sloth."

He looked at the three remaining guards and he activated his laws.

From their shadows, spears that emanated a devilish aura sprung and impaled them.

His law of sloth slowed their thinking and reaction speed to a snail's pace and his law of primordial darkness quickly corroded their soul before his law of gluttony devoured them. This was a perfect and precise use of laws, a control so precise most powerhouses would be in awe at this sight.

He looked around, noticing the panic he had created. Hundreds of thousands of civilians fled in all directions, prettified by the horror they had just seen. Chaos ensued and the city was turned upside down.

A strange orange aura materialized from the chaos within the city and nourished Aesir's soul.

"Truly born to sin."

His melodious voice was the last thing anyone heard before darkness invaded the whole city and devoured everything.



Right as he had finished devouring the city, a blast of pure energy was sent his way. He effortlessly evaded it but he tell could the power within this blast was enough to harm him or potentially kill him.

"This really wasn't necessary."

A man of grandiose power and calm appeared, floating above the city. He emanated no aura whatsoever but anyone that looked at him could tell he was powerful beyond words, it was as if the world itself told of his glory and power.

He wore a long simple white tunic dress-shirt and white matching pants. He had short brown hair and enchanting emerald eyes.

"You got that idiot's brand on you so I can't erase you but I can teach you a lesson at least. I really liked this city..."

His voice didn't seem to be boasting any righteousness or fury. He was simply saddened by the fact that one of his favorite places got destroyed, not caring about the number of deaths.

He ignored space and immediately appeared in front of Aesir, towering over his small build. His index reached forward and lightly pressed on his skull.


A loud noise reverberated within the surroundings as Aesir's skull cracked and his brain was turned to mush. His soul collapsed and his body rapidly lost blood.

Despite all of this, as he lay on the floor on the verge of death, he had a wide smile on his face.

"HAHAHAHA! What a wonderful gift! You'll be enough to complete my foundation! Splendid!"

Athan looked at Aesir in confusion and interest. He wasn't one of those weak cultivators that had trash foundations and barely matched the required strength of their realm.

He was a true powerhouse that had studied and graduated from the Aptior academy as an origin grade talent and was currently a core disciple of the Aptior sect. He was the real deal.

Though his tap seemed light, it contained an infinite and unstoppable motion created by something that transcended laws. He restricted it so that it didn't kill him but it should've been enough to put him in a comatose-like state for a few million years.

Aesir stood up and all the damage that had been done to his body disappeared. His aura burst out and he chained two laws. The law of greed and the law of Heaven.

His powerful dark blue aura intensified and reached a completely new level.

Athan opened his eyes again and found himself thousands of meters away. His jaw was completely gone, seemingly having been punched off. All his bones were broken and his soul was being branded by a strange dark aura.

'Did I…pass out?'

Before he could even react, another punch carrying the same unstoppable motion he used, hit him. This time it was laced with a power that aimed to devour and eclipse his whole being.

A terror like he had never felt before assaulted him and his aura exploded but to his surprise…his cultivation realm has regressed to the 3rd great realm. He tried using his soul despite its miserable state to find out what had happened but another punch connected. This punch was aimed toward his stomach and felt thousands of times stronger than before.

Aesir stopped his pursuit then extended his hand. Athan's body stopped moving then shot back and his neck perfectly landed within his palm.

"This is the 32,456th time I kill you but you somehow always come back, though you lose some of your memories in the process you still come back."

An evil smile appeared on his face before his law of darkness activated and a dome of darkness swallowed them.

"I'll have a lot of fun…"

Athan couldn't speak as he seemed to have even forgotten how to move his muscles.

'What the fuck is going on? Why hasn't the sect token been activated yet?!'




Crepuscule city.

"What's the report looking like this year? Skip the useless stuff." said, a soft but authoritative voice.

Within a wide modern office situated in a skyscraper in the middle of a tropical forest, a beautiful woman calmly sipped on her tea.

With hair as dark as a moonless night, cascading down her back like a river of silk, she was the vision of beauty beyond compare.

Her skin was smooth and flawless, like the surface of a still lake, and her features were perfectly carved, as if made by the hands of a master sculptor. Her eyes, like two sparkling crimson jewels, seemed to gaze into the very soul, and her lips, full and sensuous, were like the sweetest of fruits, begging to be tasted.

Her beauty was beyond this world but what was more alluring about her was the aura around her. She seemed to effortlessly rule over everything within the room as if it was a birthright, something innate.

She wore a simple yet exquisite black tight dress that perfectly hugged the curves of her body.

In front of her stood a beautiful man in a black military uniform. Short slicked back dark hair and simple brown eyes.

"We count 112,443 fodder recruits, 74,563 elite recruits, 41,000 saint recruits, 12,400 Earth recruits, 7500 Heaven recruits,3000 empyrean recruits, 1300 primal recruits, 50 origin recruits, and 17 Eternal recruits. This is probably our best year ever in terms of new talents." He answered.

Major Ivanov did not react to this as she quietly stirred her tea.

"50 origin recruits and 17 Eternal ranked recruits? Within the same year? What kind of nonsense is this Moses…"

Moses stood on guard as he didn't say anything back. He knew the major was just rambling to herself.

"This era will be a special one for sure. Hopefully, we get a few Ascendant Rankers from this generation…"