
Ancestor Virlo reappeared in front of the formation and looked at Lucius with eyes full of respect.

"It's been 10 months which for him should be 10 Eonic cycles but his body is still in perfect shape."

Lucius had stayed still, in a deep state of understanding for the last 10 months.

There was no energy or aura around him but the pressure he gave off was monstrous as seemed to have touched upon something above the Laws.

In only a week Lucius had fully understood the Law of True origin and had already created all the Law cubes within his soul lands. He created 7 versions of each cube for each of his seven soul lands. The reason why he had stayed in deep meditation was that once he reached 100% understanding a new world opened up to him.

The endless law cubes within his souls' lands were now just a bonus compared to what he had grasped.

When he reached the peak of his enlightenment he discovered that the True Origin Law and all the laws that made it up were part of a set, The True Origin Law set. Without completing this set no one could fully use the true power of laws and their variations, but that wasn't all.

There were 6 Law sets that worked in perfect harmony to create the basic machinations of reality. When he had used his pupils to look at the Laws of that mortal galaxy, it seemed weak and fragile because they only had access to one law set, The fundamental Law bond set.

This set dealt with basic phenomena such as gravity, relativity, motion, and more. From these fundamental laws, they birthed fake origin laws such as the Fire law. That was one of the major reasons why the cultivators from lower realms couldn't compete with geniuses from the upper realms.

Saying the fundamental Laws were weak was ignorance, they were just incomplete. Just like how the True origin Laws that most beings within Genesis cultivate are incomplete without the other law sets.

The deeper he sunk into this enlightenment, the more he understood the workings of existence and the 6 law sets that created its base.

After spending a week in this ethereal state, he decided to create Law cubes based on the other sets.

Fundamental Bond Laws. True origin Laws. Khaos Origin Laws. Heavenly Origin Laws. Celestial Origin Laws. Astral Origin Laws. These were the 6 Law sets.

Just like the True origin Laws, he understood all of them and created all their respective cubes in 2 months(2 Eonic cycles). His soul lands were pulsating with godly power as they had the true and complete power of what Laws were supposed to be. He was excited to see what the result would be when he turned them into innate laws. But a problem arose.

Each Law set seemed fundamentally contradictory, meaning he couldn't use one without giving the other up. He could feel the powerful clash occurring within his lands that threatened to tear his soul apart.

This didn't make sense to him. Existence was made of these same Law sets but it was extremely stable and sturdy, why was it different for him?

He didn't panic and tried pushing his pupils to their absolute limits. He split his consciousness into trillions of pieces and examined each law set and their cubes, trying to find the underlying connection they all had that caused the synergy we could observe within reality.

Even with the time formation and his powerful soul that could extend a second into millions of years, this process took 8 months, or 8 full Eonic cycles, to perfect the synergy between his sets.


The heavens sang as they felt Lucius wake up from his seclusion. The birds chirped in harmony to create a magnificent heavenly hymn and the world drenched his body in the purest and most powerful Qi available within Genesis.

All the planes within the gravel resonated with Genesis and sent massive torrents of energy to Lucius. This resonance was so powerful a few important individuals within the first firmament could feel it.

Despite this huge Influx of energy Lucius quickly devoured it and nourished his bloodlines as well as meridians.

"Thank you."

The ceremony ended and the world returned to normal. He was surprised the heavens still considered him as one of its sons after the Taboo but didn't care enough to look further into it.

He stood up and no explosions or anything of the sort happened. He stretched and then teleported to the main Land of a Reality Marble.

Ancestor Virlo who had witnessed the whole scene was assaulted by shock as he understood what the Ceremony of the heavens meant.

"How…I didn't even sense any Law aura around him… and that much heavenly Quintessence doesn't make sense…"

* check auxiliary chap if you forgot what the world structure is like.


Reality Marble

The mainland of Asri.

In the mainland of Asri, a place where only Law and Edict gods could dwell, a thick and powerful energy was being freely absorbed by a man.

He was a being entirely made of dark matter and energy, covered in simple red runes. His white eyes seemed omniscient within this Marble, creating a beautiful contrast with his dark sanguine runic body.

The limit of strength within the Reality marbles was the 5th great realm, the saint realm. The Saint realm was divided into 5 pivotal sub-realms.

The beings of the Marble could only reach the 3rd sub-realm but Rion, The Dark Force God, had done the impossible and reached the peak of the 5th sub-realm in only 1 million years which was both extremely fast and nonsensical. He was on the verge of breaking through the 6th Great realm.

'If only I could escape this fucking cage…'

His senses erupted as he felt danger like he had never felt before in front of him.

Lucius retracted his Wings and Looked at Rion with interest.

"Not only have you broken the limit of this place but you've even managed to trick the Laws of order and embody a concept. What a talent you are."

Thousands of Edict and Law gods appeared behind him and they immediately got on guard.

"I am Rion. Dual Edict and Law God of Dark force as well as the Leader of our pantheon. What business do you have with us?"

He could instantly tell that Lucius was from a place beyond their cage. Within their reality marble he was omniscient and Omnipotent, there was quite literally nothing he could not do or not know within this place. The second Lucius spoke he tried using his Authority to read his memories and immediately subdue him but he was dwarfed by Lucius's will.

"You shouldn't play with concepts of the Omni realms. Dabbling in such things early will cut your path off. You're lucky this marble is sealed from the outside."

'We are sealed …? And he called our world a marble? What kind of…'

"Anyways, I'm here to fight and stretch a bit. You have 5 minutes to come up with a plan or whatever."