The 12 Cardinal Gods

Lucius's consciousness returned as he woke up in a beautiful world painted in golden runes.

As he stood up, he realized there was no ground. In fact, there wasn't anything apart from massive golden clouds of energy filled with runes of utter beauty and majesty.

A strange feeling invaded him as he wandered within this strange golden place.

He felt at home. Even though he had never been here, he felt like he knew every single inch and detail of this place by heart.

'So this is my primal Land…well it's only a portion of it.'

As he came to this realization, his vision blurred and he found himself in a dreamy white landscape.

His vision cleared and he saw something of utter glory and majesty.

In front of him laid 13 massive multicolored thrones of pure power and resplendent authority.

Each of the thrones was covered in majestic runes of such high complexity he felt his mind going numb just looking at it, even with his godly pupils.