Impressive prowess

Rokuri felt a deep hatred and wrath take over his entire being as he heard these arrogant words escape Lucius's lips.

"Would a mortal like you even be able to reform an existence such as myself?" He asked, his tone being as neutral and placid as it could be.


Rokuri almost exploded in anger as Lucius didn't elaborate and simply waited for his answer.

'Calm down. If he's not lying then this is a chance I cannot miss. If he's lying then this is an opportunity to show him how vast the heavens beyond truly are.'

"I'll limit myself to the same stage as you." He said as he took a few steps back and readied himself.

A beautiful smile appeared on Lucius's face as he heard these foolish words.

"Layla, do you mind acting as an arbitrer for this?" He asked as he stretched and got ready.

"I'll gladly supervise this fight." She said as her polarizing figure teleported in between the two.

"Are you guys ready?" She asked.

They both nodded.
