It was getting uncomfortable in this situation, you know, hand in hand with Cedric while Austin was staring at us like it was a normal thing to do.

  What if he wanted to start another fight? I know he really hates Cedric. It's so obvious. It's like he wants to pick a fight with Cedric every time they cross paths.

  And now they were having a staring contest. We have to leave to avoid any fight. Ugh, I wish Austin would just disappear and I would never have to see him again.

  I would definitely consider that a miracle.

  I grabbed Cedric by the arm and practically dragged him past Austin to the elevator. I sighed in relief when the elevator moved. After 4 minutes, we were out of the building.

  We got back into Cedric's car. He doesn't look happy anymore, like earlier when we had arrived, he was angry. At me?

  Oh no, that's not good. We literally just started our relationship. Or he could be angry at Austin.