"So.. There's something I want to talk to you about." I started.

  He chuckled. "I knew there was something in between that sudden hyper spirit. Go ahead."

  I smiled and told him everything. By the end of it, I was expecting him to be all smiley and tell me congratulations and all those stuff, but he didn't. Instead, he frowned.

  "Since when has this been going on?" He asked. Ah jeez. He didn't sound happy about it.

  He was supposed to be happy for me.

  "Uh, A month now," I replied. He gave me a scowl.

  "And you didn't think of telling me about it earlier?"

  "I-i wanted it to be a surprise.." I stuttered. He scoffed.

  "I told you, you aren't supposed to keep secrets from me!" He snapped, suddenly. Why was he like this? I know he said that, but not all secrets, right?

  So stupid of me, once again, I have managed to make him this angry. "I'm sorry."