
  Everyone gave a toast. After we had both given each other our engagement rings. No one could see behind the fake smiles I was giving.

  "Congratulations to the newly engaged couple!" I heard Austin's mom squeal. This witch. She's never going to leave me alone.

  What could I possibly do to bring this woman down?

  Her soon-to-be daughter-in-law was behind her, a smirk plastered on her face. I felt like giving her an ugly slap.

  I faked smiling.

  "True, true! My beautiful daughter just got engaged." I heard Aunt.

  It felt like everyone was against it at that moment. I didn't want this.

  I gave Zara a look, the woman who watches after Anne when I'm not around. She nodded her head, understanding what I meant. Vick was talking to some business partners, I think.

  I walked away. I just wanted to get away from that toxic environment for a minute.

  I walked and walked then I felt someone grab my arm, whoever it was pulled me to a balcony.