It was rainy. It has been raining for about two hours. I sighed looking through the window. I was tired, I was tired of it all, I just wanted it to be all over. It did seem it was getting over.

  The door slammed open, snapping me out of my thoughts; I looked at the door to see a very angry Vick, he looked so angry. I have never seen him this angry before.

  I gulped, I got up from where I sat and walked over to him. "W-welcome-" I couldn't finish what I was going to say as his right hand came in contact with my face sending me straight to the floor.

  I whimpered. "So, it has all been a pretence. All this while, you claimed to love me... it was all just an act. You don't love me, you just want stupid revenge you're not going to get!" His voice cracked at the end. "I loved you, and I still do, I was going to give you everything, everything that would make you happy but you choose to play me. To mess with my-"

  "What are you talking about, Vick?"