“Enough! You two. We are a pack. Meaning, we stand together. Not fight among ourselves,” Dante spelled out immediately after he reached the kitchen.

  “I’m part of your part,” said Ayala, “not her though,” she finished.

  “And I’m his Luna, meaning that you’re under me, Grand-Alpha. Or, is it Grand-mummy?” mocked Freya.

  Dante slammed his fist on the table, breaking it into two. “If this nonsense doesn’t stop now, I’ll have you punished.” He was referring to Freya, causing her eyes to widen. She couldn’t believe that Dante has once more proven that she was unnecessary but can't be discarded yet.

  “Are you serious right now? You are just going to pin this on me without finding out how the fight started?”

  Dante was growling. His eyes were changing their color. Something was heightening his emotions.