The atmosphere was moody and so was Freya. Nothing excited as far she could get a glimpse of that insufferable asshole. To clear her head, she went on a walk along the rocky side of the pack-house, overlooked by water.

  Dragging in some air, she had an outburst of pain, screaming uncontrollably until she felt her voice cease. Indeed, describing her emotions as filled with pain didn’t come close to covering how she felt.

  The area was serene and no one was around. She could enjoy the moment just by sitting on top of one of the shiny rocks. She picked some smaller ones and began to throw them into the water.

  Hours passed by without her realizing it, and she decided to hurry back to the others as it was getting dark. Being ready for the meeting that Dante mentioned would be a wise choice since she had no energy for chaos left in her.